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Blog / 10 Jun 2020

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: UK Standing Up to China


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: UK Standing Up to China

Topic: UK Standing Up to China


  • Navtej Sarna, (Former Ambassador)
  • Elisabeth Braw, (Senior Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute)
  • Sheetal Sharma, (Assistant Professor, Centre for European Studies, JNU)

Topic Description:

China has warned that the United Kingdom is opening itself up to serious “consequences” if it follows through on a plan to offer refuge and a path to citizenship for Hong Kong citizens should China implement a restrictive national security law. China believes that the people of Hong Kong who were born there are Chinese nationals. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently outlined a proposal, saying that if necessary, Britain will allow Hong Kong residents who hold British National Overseas passports to come to the UK. Meanwhile, geopolitics, combined with domestic politics, are making Huawei's chances of supplying 5G equipment in the UK appear slimmer by the day. Local media reported that officials have been ordered to draw up plans to phase out the Chinese company's involvement in UK 5G networks by 2023. As such, the UK government is looking to other companies that might help fill the gap.

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Courtesy: RSTV