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Blog / 17 Dec 2020

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Need For Agricultural Reforms


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Need For Agricultural Reforms

Topic: Need For Agricultural Reforms


  • Gautam Chikermane (Vice President, Observer Research Foundation)
  • Abhinav Prakash, (Assistant Professor, Economics, University of Delhi)

Topic Description:

Agriculture in India faces growing challenges and also presents plenty of opportunities but successive governments have been hesitant to bring reforms fearing political ramifications. Crucial decisions needed to the sector an impetus have been delayed in the fear of losing votes. There has also been a lack of vision. The Modi government has brought about reforms, but has been met with stiff opposition from farmers. They remain firm on their demand to get the new farm laws repealed. As the protests continue, industry bodies representing Indian corporates are worried about the stalemate situation between farmers and the government as it is causing huge losses. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India has urged the government and farmers' organisations to resolve the impasse. Meanwhile, the CII said the new reforms will improve market access and increase income opportunities for farmers. The industry body added that the reforms are focused on the input side, introducing risk mitigation measures, reducing post-harvest losses and augmenting market opportunities. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said farmers were being misled about agriculture reforms and the reforms were exactly what farmer bodies and even opposition parties had been asking over the years.

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Courtesy: RSTV