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Blog / 23 Jul 2021

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Carbon Border Tax: Why is India opposing


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Carbon Border Tax: Why is India opposing

Topic: Carbon Border Tax: Why is India opposing


  • Dr. Prodipto Ghosh, (Distinguished Fellow,TERI & Former Secretary, Ministry of Environment Forest And Climate Change)
  • Dilip Sinha, (Former Ambassador, Special Secretary for INTERNATIONAL Organisations and Environmental Diplomacy)

Topic Description:

At the two-day G-20 ministerial meeting on environment and climate change in Italy, developing countries, including India, are expected to raise their concerns over the European Union’s recent proposal on the first of its kind carbon border tax.Under this proposal, the 27 EU nations will impose border tax on imports of carbon-intensive goods.Yet to be legally formalised, the tax plan could come into force from 2026.On similar lines, Democratic lawmakers, earlier this week, introduced a legislation establishing a carbon tariff on certain imports like steel as a means to fight climate change.So what exactly is a carbon border tax? Why do developed countries want to impose such a tariff and why are developing nations opposed to the idea?

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Courtesy: RSTV