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Blog / 22 Jan 2021

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Biden's First Steps as President


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Biden's First Steps as President

Topic: Biden's First Steps as President


  • Ashok Sajjanhar, (Former Ambassador)
  • Prof. Swaran Singh, (Chairperson, Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament, JNU)
  • Pramit Pal Chaudhuri, (Foreign Editor, Hindustan Times)

Topic Description:

US President Joe Biden signed 15 executive actions shortly after being sworn in on Wednesday, undoing policies put in place by his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump, and making his first moves on the pandemic and climate change. Shortly after taking office, the new president laid out ambitious plans to address challenges like Covid-19, economy, climate change, immigration and racial tensions. President Joe Biden took immediate steps to roll-back some key Trump-era policies which he had promised to do while campaigning for the job. Getting a handle on the pandemic that has claimed 400,000 lives so far, has been at the top of Biden’s agenda ever since he announced his presidency. Tackling climate change has been another key agenda of Biden’s. He signed an order to re-join the Paris Climate accord, a global pact to reduce carbon emissions - which Trump had pulled out of in 2017. On immigration, President Biden stopped funding for the border wall with Mexico, undoing another signature policy of his predecessor and also withdrew his travel ban on seven Muslim majority countries.

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Courtesy: RSTV