होम > RSTV-World-Panorama

Blog / 05 Jan 2019

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) World Panorama: US Troop withdrawal from Syria


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) World Panorama: US Troop withdrawal from Syria

Topic: US Troop withdrawal from Syria


  • K.P Fabian, (Former Ambassador)

Topic Description:

U.S President Donald Trump rebuffed top advisers and announced the withdrawal of all US soldiers from Syria.

The move comes as US officials are currently engaged in talks with the Taliban, which was toppled following a Washington-led invasion in 2001 but now controls a significant amount of Afghan territory. Trump's pull-out decision contributed to the abrupt resignation of Pentagon chief Jim Mattis on Thursday over significant policy differences with the president. A day after Syria move, US officials say Trump decided to pull thousands of troops out of Afghanistan as well.

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Courtesy: RSTV