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Blog / 24 Jan 2020

(Daily News Scan - DNS English) Xenobots: First Living Robots Created from Stem Cells


(Daily News Scan - DNS English) Xenobots: First Living Robots Created from Stem Cells

We have seen so many science fictional movies of Hollywood where new inventions of science with human life are shown in a dramatic way.

But this time we are talking about real invention 'The Xenobot'.

In our DNS programme today, we will inform you about Xenobot.

  • Xenobot is world's first living machine invented by Scientists of United States.
  • Xenobot is a programmable tiny robot made up of living stem cell of a frog.
  • Means it's a combination of machine and living organism. Similar like we have seen in famous Hollywood moves like Terminator and the matrix where a human was transformed like machine.
  • According to researchers this living robot has the ability to heal itself after being cut and can survive for weeks.
  • They also have the ability to move independently and in a group and all of their movements can be programmed as well.
  • Scientists have used repurposed living stem cells taken from frog embryos and then created an entirely new life form.
  • These stem cells were taken from an African frog called Xenopus Laevis and hence the living machine got its name as Xenobot.
  • This xenobot is less than a millimeter is size means it is small enough to travel inside human bodies.
  • Stem cells that are used in this experiment are unspecialized cells that have the ability to develop into different cells types.
  • According to Joshua bongard one of the lead researchers at the university of Vermont, Xenobot are neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal infact they are a new class of artifact means a living programmable organism.
  • Xenobots could be used to clean up radioactive waste, collect microplastics in the oceans, carry medicine inside human bodies in a targeted way and even they can scape out plaque from our arteries.
  • The two universities of U.S.A i.e. university of Vermont and Tufts University were involved in this research.
  • With the invention of this new machine cum organis debate on ethics and human interface has widespread.
  • Humans have been manipulating organisms for their benefit.
  • This genetic engineering has created a few artificial organisms in recent years.
  • This novel living machine which is neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal has created a hot debate on ethical perspective of the experiments on living beings.