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Blog / 05 Dec 2019

(Daily News Scan - DNS English) What is PISA Test?


(Daily News Scan - DNS English) What is PISA Test?

Important Points:

Students of Chandigarh government school are going to represent India in the Programme for International Student Assessment test PISA in 2021. This programme is a study done to produce comparable data on education policy and outcomes across countries.

In this DNS we will know about PISA in detail.

Programme for International Student Assessment test PISA is an initiative by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). It is an intergovernmental economic organisation with 36 member countries. PISA is a study to produce comparable data o education policy and outcomes. The study began in the year 2000. It conducts a test evaluating 15 year olds member and non member countries. This is done to assess the quality and inclusivity of school system in these countries. The test is conducted every 3 years and the next test is going to be held in 2021. The test is set by educational experts from across the world.

Unlike the traditional tests and exams, PISA test does not assess the students on their memory. It attempts to evaluate whether the students can apply the knowledge they have gained through primary and secondary education. The test includes subjects like maths, science, reading comprehension. In the year 2015 an optional subject was added to the test on innovative subjects like collaborative problem solving and financial literacy. It also evaluates whether students can solve mathematical problems or explain phenomena through scientific thinking or interpretation of the text. The test is taken in the language chosen by the students.

The aim of the test is not to rank the countries but to give a comprehensive analysis of the education system on how they are working in terms of preparing the students for higher education and employment. After the results are collected across the world, experts translate them into data points. These points are evaluated to score the countries.

When a country performs well it suggests that not only it has an effective education system but also an inclusive one where the students from both privileged and underprivileged students perform equally well. The test also evaluates whether the education system in these countries teach students adequate social and community skills, which will enable the students to excel holistically as a member of the workforce.

Anyone can take part in this test. There is no rule regulation or criteria set for taking part in the test. Mostly the countries volunteer to take the test. Regions are identified within the country where the test can be conducted and among them individual schools are chosen which are approved of PISA governing board and evaluated using strict criteria.

Now let us know about India’s performance in this test. India has participated in this test once in the year 2009. Students from Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu took the test where they were ranked 72 out of 73 countries. Since then India has strayed away from the test till now. But in the year 2021 India is looking forward to take part in this test. 1.75 lakh students from government school of Chandigarh, along with 600 Navodaya Vidyalayas and 3,000 Kendra Vidyalayas will be taking the test. The preparations for the test have already begun. A trial test will be conducted by the PISA officials in 2020.

Since PISA does not have a set syllabus it becomes difficult for the students to fully prepare themselves. However sample questions have been released by the administration for the preparation of the test. PISA test requires experiential learning and out of the box thinking.

The basic agenda and motive of the PISA test conducted by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), is to help and allow countries to learn from each other about effective education policies and improve their own systems using others as example.