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Blog / 06 Mar 2020

(Daily News Scan - DNS English) Saving Wildlife Across World


(Daily News Scan - DNS English) Saving Wildlife Across World

Our planet Earth is home to every life form we know or we can think of. From the ones that are most unfamiliar to us to the one’s we see each day. All are connected to one chain directly or indirectly. But we humans still do not understand the value of every species present in our environment. With some species getting extinct due to our carelessness, some of them are still left undiscovered in oceans and forests. With the theme “Sustaining all life on Earth” World Wildlife Day on 3rd of March will be focusing of encircling all wild animals and plant species.

Earth has an enormous quantity of flora and fauna. Since ages we have been dependent on the elements from our nature for our survival, be it air we breathe the food we eat, the water we drink and even the sources of energy that we use. All of these are the gift of the biodiversity bestowed to us by the nature. Wildlife consist of both flora and fauna, i.e. animals, plants and microorganisms.

World Wildlife Day to be observed on 3rd March was proclaimed in the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly. This was done to raise awareness and celebrate for the world’s wild animals and plants. This day’s celebration also encourages people to setup their fight against wildlife crimes that result in the extinction of several species.

This year’s theme- “Sustaining all life on Earth” aims at ensuring sustainable use of resources and conservation of land and ground water to stop biodiversity loss. This aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 1, 12, 14 and 15. This year on World Wild life day there will be celebrations to raise awareness of the multitude of benefits of wildlife to people and also to gain attention on the threats they are facing.

The year 2020 is known as Biodiversity super year. This year several major global events that place biodiversity at the forefront will be hosted. This will help in enabling transformative progress towards conservation and sustainable use wild animals and plant species. Countries worldwide are taking initiatives in saving the wildlife across the globe specially the ones that are on the verge of getting extinct.

In the recent past, people have become actively aware and concerned about the harmful effects caused to these wildlife species with their activities. Steps and measures around the globe have been actively initiated to conserve and protect o wildlife and their habitat. International Organizations such as World Wildlife Fund, Oceana, Wildlife Conservation Society etc. work for the conservation of wildlife in various parts of the world.

Recently CMS COP13 was held in Gujarat India that deals with Conservation of Migratory Species.

Within India, Wildlife Protection Act 1972, Forest Conservation Act 1980, Biological Diversity Act 2002, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1960, Wetland Rules 2010, Fisheries Act 1897 are some examples of the Acts issued by the government of India. Along with this Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Crocodile Conservation Project, UNDP Sea Turtle project, Vulture Conservation and India Rhino Vision (IRV) 2020 are few other initiative of the India Government towards conservation of wildlife. To curb the illegal trade of wildlife and that of endangered species, Wildlife Crime Control Bureau has been established. Special organizations like Wildlife Institute of India, Bombay Natural History society and Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History are formed to conduct research on conservation of wildlife.

Not only this, there are several national parks situated in various parts of the country which are home to different animals and plant species.