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Blog / 07 Jan 2020

(Daily News Scan - DNS English) Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)


(Daily News Scan - DNS English) Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)

India’s first Chief of Defence Staff - General Bipin Rawat has been appointed on 30th of December. It is a newly created post to enhance the quality of military advice to the political leadership through integration of service inputs. Many countries around the world like U.K and U.S have similar post.

In today’s DNS we will know about CHIEF OF DEFENCE STAFF, its role powers and equivalent posts in other countries.

CHIEF OF DEFENCE STAFF is a high military office. It will oversee and coordinate the working of three Services. It will also offer tri service views and advice to the Prime Minister of the country. These advices will be related to long-term defence planning and management, including manpower, equipment and strategy, and jointsmanship in operations. After the Kargil War 1999, the post of CDS was recommended by Kargil review Committee.

CDS is a dual hatted role. This means, one is for the permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee which has the three service chiefs as members and the other position is of the head of the newly created Department of Military Affairs (DMA) in the ministry. The first is a military role whereas the second is a role in the government.

CDS will act as the Principal Military Adviser to the Defence Minister only on tri-services matters. The three service chiefs will continue to advise the Defence Minister, on matters exclusively concerning their respective services. The CDS will not exercise any military command including over the three service chiefs. The Chief of Staff Committee will be headed by the CDS and service chiefs will be members of this committee. The Department of Military Affairs (DMA) headed by the CDS, will have the armed forces under it.

The CDS has been given a time-bound task. The task has to be completed within 3 years. It includes - bringing about jointness in operations, logistics, transport, training, support services, communications, repairs and maintenance of the three services. Being the head of DMA, the CDS will have to facilitate the restructuring of military commands for optimal utilization of resources by bringing about jointness in operations, including through establishment of joint/ theatre commands. Norms of functioning and political guidance will determine the functional efficiency and effectiveness of the CDS and it will be upon General Rawat to establish this as the first incumbent of the new office.

It is the first time in India to have a Chief of Defence Staff. Several countries of the world including US and UK have similar post. As per the US Department of Defence website the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, also the Principal military adviser to the President. The CJCS is a part of and heads, a high-ranking body called the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

In the United Kingdom UK Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) is the professional head of the Armed Forces. CDS is also principal military adviser to the Secretary of State for Defence (equivalent to Minister for Defence in India) and the government. CDS reports to the Defence Secretary and the Prime Minister, as per the webpage of the UK Defence Ministry. The responsibilities of the CDS include leading defence, setting strategy for defence, including future development of the Armed Forces, the conduct of current operations, and leading relationships with other countries’ Armed Forces.

Lastly let us know about the benefits of CDS in INDIA. A CDS will not only serve as the advisor to the government for the military but also act as the advisor to the Nuclear Command Authority headed by the PM. The CDS will be incharge of the cyber warfare division.