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Blog / 12 Jun 2019

(Daily News Scan - DNS English) 5G Technology


(Daily News Scan - DNS English) 5G Technology

Important Points:

As per recent news the government is about to start trials for 5G service within 100 days. The Union Communication Minister said government is planning to hold auctions for spectrum and 5G services this year. 5G is the fifth generation of wireless communication. The wireless technology has evolved from 1G TO 5G and currently uses 4G technology.

Currently India has 4G facility that offers LTE (Long Term Evolution) allowing fast browsing and high quality video calls. 4G is now used worldwide and is expected to grow to 20 billion users till 2020.This will require a great capacity connection such as 5G. On an average basis 4G network gives 45Mbps of speed.5G would provide a better speed of 10 to 20 times over 4G. 5G will be fast, smart and efficient in comparison to its predecessor.

Wireless network 1G started in 1980’s and it was based on analog communication. 2G was launched in Finland in 1991. Its network was digital with the introduction of data services like SMS and MMS. 2.5G is the mid way between 2G and 3G that used GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) technique. On the other hand 2.75G used EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution). 3G increased data transmission to 2Mbps and provided wide area wireless voice telephone, video calls and mobile TV. Enhanced version of 3G is 4G with upto 1Gbps speed. It also provides security, high speed, high capacity and low cost per bits.

5G is a part of Digital India Scheme. India is the second largest mobile internet market after China with over 460 million internet users. The government is looking forward to make the villages digital by setting up 5 lakh Wi-Fi spot in one lakh villages in India. This initiative will help in taking forward the idea of e-hospitals, e- scholarships etc. 5G will connect societies from each other and bring an era of smart homes. Several hundreds of computers will be able to connect simultaneously at a very high rate. It will reduce network energy usage by 90% with low battery consumption and low latency. Latency is the key differentiator between 4G and 5G.Latency is the time period from the moment information is shared until it reaches the receivers device. This will help in downloading and uploading files quickly without crashing the device. Through 5G Artificial Intelligences will be incorporated in our lives. Machine 2 Machine communication, self driving cars and connected home products will be a part of the advantages of 5G.

Spectrum auctions are a major source of revenue. In the 2016-17 auctions Rs 65,789 crore was generated as revenue. India is looking forward to be an early mover in the use of 5G technology. Preparations have begun and the focus is on developing 5G technology for the benefits of telecom industry, academics and other sectors like health and disaster management. Countries like South Korea, The United States, China and Japan are looking forward to launch 5G services soon. South Korea is aiming to be the first.

India will be benefitted in many ways will the arrival of 5G in the country. Employment opportunities, upliftment of the weaker sections could be seen. More discussions will be done further by the government on the challenges and opportunities regarding the implementation of 5G in the country.