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Daily-current-affairs / 03 Jan 2021

SACON Suggest ways to reduce bird and Aircraft Conflict : Daily Current Affairs


SACON Suggest ways to reduce bird and Aircraft Conflict


Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) made suggestions to prevent bird and aircraft conflict in the document made public by SACON, “Best Practices for Mitigation of the Hazards Posed by Birds to Aircraft”.


  • The document suggests various measures to prevent any encounter of birds and an aircraft by creating database of various species of birds within the 10 km of radius of airfield. It suggests:
  • Developing proper habitat management of the birds.
  • Adopting practices which will discourage birds in selecting airports as their roosting place.
  • Preventing water stagnation near airfield or runway.
  • Developing no waste dumping zones near airfield.
  • Bird feeding within 2 km of radius close to airports should be stopped.
  • Covering of all water tanks with nets.


  • Salim Ali is the father of Indian Ornithology, also called as ‘Birdman of India’.
  • He conducted first ever systematic bird surveys across India.
  • The institute inspired and named after him is Salim Ali Centre For Ornithology and Natural History (SACON).
  • The institute is headquartered at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
  • SACON’s mission is “To help conserve India’s biodiversity and it’s sustainable use through research, education and people’s participation, with birds at the centre stage”.