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Daily-current-affairs / 09 May 2023

India's 'Look West' Approach : Significance and Opportunities : Daily Current Affairs


Date: 10/05/2023

Relevance: GS-2: Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora

Key Phrases: National Security Advisor, integrated approach, 'Look West', Economic Integration, Counterbalancing China's Influence, Diplomatic Partnerships.


  • The recent meeting between India's National Security Advisor and his counterparts from the US, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE marks a significant deepening of India's outreach towards West Asia.
  • This aligns with the "12U2" grouping initiative established in October 2021, consisting of India, Israel, the US, and the UAE.

Key Highlights:

  • Recent events, such as the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and China's involvement in brokering peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia, have highlighted a perceived diminishing American role and a rising Beijing Moscow presence in the region.
  • India's engagement in West Asia helps navigate these shifting dynamics.
  • The meeting signifies a broader, integrated approach to India's engagement in the West, similar to the Indo-Pacific strategy.
  • Collaborating with the US and regional partners, the focus is on connecting countries in West Asia through rail networks, roads, and sea lanes to enhance regional connectivity.

Several Military Exercises with West Asian Countries:

  1. Naseem-Al-Bahr: This is a bilateral naval exercise between India and Oman.
  2. Desert Eagle: It is a joint military exercise conducted between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
  3. Al-Nagah: This is a bilateral military exercise between India and Oman.
  4. Eastern Bridge: It is a joint military exercise conducted between India and Kuwait.
  5. Zarb-e-Hadeed: This is a joint military exercise between India and Saudi Arabia.

Balancing Act:

  • India has previously focused on the eastern maritime domain to counter China's assertiveness while maintaining strategic autonomy.
  • Initiatives like the Malabar exercise and the Quad have strengthened partnerships with the US, Japan, and Australia without limiting diplomatic options.
  • The "Look West" approach aims to apply a similar strategy in West Asia.
  • India's 'Look West' approach holds significant importance in strengthening its engagement in West Asia and has several implications for regional connectivity and diplomatic partnerships.

Significance of India's 'Look West' approach:

  • Economic Integration:
    • The 'Look West' approach aims to enhance economic integration between India and West Asian countries.
    • It promotes trade, investment, and economic cooperation, leading to increased regional connectivity and economic growth.
  • Energy Security:
    • West Asia is a crucial region for India's energy security due to its abundant oil and gas reserves.
    • The 'Look West' approach facilitates closer cooperation in the energy sector, ensuring a steady and reliable supply of crude oil and natural gas to India.
  • Infrastructure Development:
    • The initiative focuses on building connectivity through rail networks, roads, and sea lanes between West Asia and South Asia.
    • This promotes the development of crucial infrastructure projects, enhancing regional connectivity and facilitating trade and people-to-people exchanges.
  • Counterbalancing China's Influence:
    • China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has expanded its influence in the region.
    • Concerns over China's "debt trap" and the recent easing of tensions between West Asian rivals make this infrastructure endeavour appealing and viable.
    • India's 'Look West' approach serves as a counterbalance to China's growing presence, offering an alternative model of connectivity and development.
  • Diplomatic Partnerships:
    • Strengthening diplomatic partnerships is a key aspect of the 'Look West' approach.
    • By engaging with countries in West Asia, India enhances its diplomatic ties and promotes strategic cooperation on various regional and global issues, including security, counterterrorism, and stability in the region.
  • Cultural and People-to-People Exchanges:
    • The 'Look West' approach fosters cultural exchanges, tourism, and people-to-people contacts between India and West Asian countries.
    • This leads to a better understanding of each other's cultures and strengthens people-to-people bonds, contributing to closer regional ties.
  • Security Cooperation:
    • Enhanced engagement in West Asia enables India to expand its security cooperation with regional countries.
    • This includes joint military exercises, intelligence sharing, and counterterrorism efforts, contributing to regional stability and security.
  • Diaspora Engagement:
    • India has a significant diaspora in West Asia, comprising millions of Indian workers.
    • The 'Look West' approach emphasizes the welfare and protection of the Indian diaspora, promoting their rights and facilitating their active participation in the development and growth of both India and West Asian countries.

Do You Know?

  • With 70% of India's imported energy needs sourced from West Asia, the country's reliance on the region is set to grow further as its economy continues to expand at a rate of 8% or higher.
  • 11 million Indians working in West Asia.
  • India is the largest recipient of foreign remittances from West Asia.
  • In 2022-23, the UAE with $76.16 billion, was the third largest trading partner of India. It was followed by Saudi Arabia ($52.72 billion).

Seizing Opportunities:

  • Recent developments, such as the Abraham Accords normalizing ties between Israel and the UAE/Bahrain and the restoration of ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran, create a favourable environment for India's engagement in the region.

Challenges and Hurdles:

  • Despite the opportunities, land connectivity with West Asia remains a challenge for India due to strained relations with Pakistan.
  • Balancing relations with Russia, China, and the West will continue to be tested as India engages in projects with diverse partners.

Way Forward:

  • While the current moment is opportune, significant efforts are required to transform projects into reality.
  • Land connectivity remains a challenge, but alternative routes and partnerships can be explored.
  • Continued balancing between Russia, China, and the West is necessary to ensure favourable outcomes.


  • India's 'Look West' approach holds significant significance and opportunities for strengthening engagement in West Asia.
  • It addresses regional connectivity, energy security, and economic prospects. However, challenges exist, including land connectivity issues and the need to balance diverse partnerships.
  • By utilizing its expertise, responding to China's initiatives, and adopting a balanced approach, India can navigate these challenges and achieve its goals in the region.

Source: The Indian Express

Mains Question:

Q. Discuss the significance of India's 'Look West' approach in strengthening its engagement in West Asia. (150 Words).

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