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Daily-current-affairs / 15 Jul 2022

Draft ESA Notificastion Faces Opposition : Daily Current Affairs


Relevance: GS-3: Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation

Key Phrases: ESAs, Kasturirangan Committee report, Madhav Gadgil Committee report, ‘Red’, ‘Orange’ and ‘White’ category industry;


  • The Environment ministry has released a draft notification for ESAs (Ecologically Sensitive Areas) in 4 states - Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Maharashtra.
    • Among these states, most of the area to be marked as ESAs is located in Karnataka
    • Hence, this draft notification is facing stiff opposition in Karnataka.

Key Highlights

ESAs and Western Ghats

  • These are areas where only some anthropogenic activities are allowed. The aim is to balance the needs of the indigenous communities along with protecting the forest landscape.
  • Kasturirangan Committee Report
    • This report recommended that 37% of Western Ghats be declared as ESA to protect the fragile ecology.
    • This report was brought in by the government after the Gadgil Committee [Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP)] had recommended that all of the Western Ghats be declared as ESAs.

Western Ghat

  • It is spread over 6 states, namely - Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
  • It hosts many endangered and threatened flora and fauna which are endemic to this region.
    • Nilgiri Tahr (EN)
    • Lion-Tailed Macaque (EN)
  • It hosts India’s richest wilderness in 13 national parks and several sanctuaries.
  • UNESCO has recognised WG as one of the world’s eight most important Biodiversity hotspots.

Activities banned or regulated in ESAs:

  • Banned activities
    • A complete ban on mining, quarrying and sand mining is to be observed.
    • Existing mines are either,
      • supposed to be phased out in 5 years.
      • Or, on the expiry of the mining lease.
    • Thermal Power Plants (TPPs)
      • No New TPPs will be allowed to be set up.
      • No extension of the brownfield TPPs.
    • ‘Red’ category industries
      • These will be banned outrightly.
      • These industries are involved in activities which have a pollution index score of 60 and above
        • E.g. petrochemical manufacturing and coal liquefaction.
    • The construction of new township and area development projects will also be prohibited.
  • Regulated Activities
    • New Hydro Power Projects will be allowed after Environment Impact Assessment (EIA).
    • ‘Orange’ Category Industry will also be allowed after EIA.
      • These are industries which are involved in activities with a pollution index of ‘41-59’.
        • E.g. Jute Processing
    • White’ Industries are to be allowed post-EIA
      • These are considered non-polluting industries
        • E.g. Chalk making

Implementation of these norms

  • Establishment of Decision Support and Monitoring Centre (DSMC) for the Western Ghats
    • This will be established by the Environment Ministry along with the State governments of the Western Ghats (WG) region.
    • It will regularly assess and report the status of the ecology of WG.
    • It will also provide a decision support facility to implement the provisions of the notification.
  • Post-clearance monitoring of projects by respective State PCBs (Pollution Control Boards).
  • State of Health Report will be prepared by state governments on annual basis.
    • This will be done by states in the WG region.
    • This will contain the details about steps taken to monitor and enforce the provisions of the notification.

Suggestions by Kasturirangan Committee

  • Need to bring synergy between
    • the aims of protecting the environment and biodiversity.
    • maintaining the needs and aspirations of the local and indigenous people,  for sustainable development and environmental integrity of the region.
  • The impact of infrastructural projects on the forest and wildlife should be studied before permission is given.

Way Forward

  • Discussion amongst stakeholders is necessary to balance the needs of the Environment and people.
    • Only a bottom-up approach can result in a long-term solution.
  • Kerala Government's steps regarding the Kasturirangan Committee Report could be followed
    • Kerala Government had proceeded with physical verification of the areas to be designated as ESAs as per the report.
    • Upon discussion with all stakeholders, this area was decreased from 13K Sq Km to 10 K Sq Km.


  • Kerala Floods (2018) and frequent landslides in the WG region have confirmed that the needs of the environment can’t be made secondary to the needs of people. Hence, a synergy is required to ensure nature is conserved along with meeting the needs of the local communities.
  • It is said ‘Prakriti Rakshati Rakshatah’ Nature protects when protected.

Source: Indian Express

Mains Question:

Q. What are the provisions of the new draft notification of ESAs for the Western Ghats? What are its challenges and how can they be remedied?

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