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Daily-static-mcqs 30 Apr 2024

Daily Static MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams - Polity 30 Apr 2024

Daily Static MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams - Polity


What happens if the Quorum is not complete at the time of functioning of the House?

A: The Speaker or Chairman adjourns the House.

B: The Speaker or Chairman does not complete any work until the quorum is present.

C: The Speaker or Chairman doesn’t wait the completion of the quorum

D: Speaker or Chairman initiates the proceedings of the House.

Answer: B


'Quorum' or quorum is the minimum number of members, with whose presence the work of the House is conducted. This is one-tenth of the total members including the presiding officer in each House. This means that if any work has to be done then there must be at least 55 members in the Lok Sabha and at least 25 members in the Rajya Sabha. If the quorum is not complete at the time of functioning of the House, then it is the responsibility of the Speaker or Chairman to either adjourn the House or not to transact any business until the quorum is present. Hence, option (b) is correct.


What does the term 'Lame-Duck' mean during a Lame-Duck session?

A: Those members of the present Lok Sabha who are not elected to the new Lok Sabha.

B: Those members of the present Lok Sabha who get elected to the new Lok Sabha.

C: Those members of the present Lok Sabha, who can remain even after the formation of the new Lok Sabha.

D: Those members of Rajya Sabha who get elected.

Answer: A


Lame-duck session is the last session of the present Lok Sabha before the formation of the new Lok Sabha. Those members of the present Lok Sabha who are not elected to the new Lok Sabha are called 'Lame-Ducks'. Hence, option (a) is correct.


With reference to Question Hour in Parliament, consider the following statements:

1. The first hour of Parliament is for Question Hour.

2. During Question Hour, members ask questions and usually the Minister answers.

3. There are two types of questions – Starred and Unstarred.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

A: Only one

B: Only two

C: All three

D: None

Answer: B


In the means of parliamentary proceedings, the first hour of Parliament is for Question Hour. During this, members ask questions and usually the Minister answers. There are three types of questions – Starred, Unstarred and short information type. Starred questions are answered orally and after this supplementary questions are asked. On the other hand, in case of Unstarred questions, a written report is necessary, Hence, supplementary questions cannot be asked after this. Short notice questions are those questions which are asked by giving at least 10 days' notice. These are also answered orally. Hence, statements 1 and 2 are correct and statement 3 is incorrect.


With reference to the Public Accounts Committee, consider the following statements:

1. It was established in 1921.

2. The tenure of the members of this committee is one year.

3. The chairman of this committee is appointed by the President.

How many of the above statements are incorrect?

A: Only one

B: Only two

C: All three

D: None

Answer: A


The Public Accounts Committee was established in 1921 under the Government of India Act, 1919 and is still in existence. At present, it consists of 22 members (15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha). Parliament selects them every year from among its members through transferable vote on the basis of single transferability principle. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

All parties are represented in this committee. The tenure of members is one year. No minister can be elected as its member. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

The chairman of the committee is elected by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha from among its members. Till 1966-67, the chairman of the committee was from the ruling party, however, from 1967, the tradition started that the chairman of the committee should be chosen from the opposition party. Hence, statement 3 is incorrect



Consider the following statements:

1. To examine the annual report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)

2. To examine public expenditure

3. To investigate complaints of financial scams, irregularities, corruption, wastage, inefficiency and unnecessary expenditure etc.

How many of the above are the functions of the Public Accounts Committee?

A: Only one

B: Only two

C: All three

D: None

Answer: C


The function of the Public Accounts Committee is to scrutinize the annual report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), which the President places before Parliament. The Comptroller and Auditor General submits three audit reports to the President, namely – Audit Report on Appropriation Accounts, Audit Report on Finance Accounts and Audit Report on Government Undertakings. The committee not only examines public expenditure from a legal point of view but also assesses technical deficiencies in this regard. Apart from this, it also conducts detailed investigation of any matter brought before it or in which there are complaints of financial scams, irregularities, corruption, wastage, inefficiency and unnecessary expenditure etc. Hence, all three statements are correct.