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Daily-static-mcqs 03 Jun 2024

Daily Static MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams- History & Culture 03 Jun 2024

Daily Static MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams- History & Culture


Consider the following statements in the context of Greek and Roman art of Indian art:

1. Greek art is realistic and used concrete in its sculptures.

2. Roman art is idealistic and used marble in making statues.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A: 1 Only

B: 2 Only

C: Both 1 and 2

D: Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: D


Greek art is idealistic, placing more emphasis on muscular depictions of sculptures and used marble in their sculptures. Hence, statement 1 is incorrect.

Roman art is realistic and depicts real events and used concrete in making sculptures. Hence, statement 2 is incorrect.


Which of the following characteristics correctly characterizes the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?

1. There is no evidence of idol worship in Indus Valley civilization.

2. They worshiped both gods and goddesses.

3. They used horse-drawn chariots in war.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A: Only one

B: Only two

C: All three

D: None

Answer: A


Till date, no evidence of any temple or place of worship has been found in the excavations at the sites of the Indus Valley Civilization. Therefore, the only source of religious life of this civilization is the clay and stone sculptures and seals found here. From these it is known that the worship of Mother Goddess Pashupati Shiva, Linga and Yoni and worship of trees like Peepal, Neem etc. and animals like snakes was prevalent here. Among the animals, pictures of elephant, tiger, buffalo, rhinoceros and crocodile have been found, but there is a lack of picture of horse. However, horse bones were found from places like Lothal, Surkotada and Kalibanga etc. However, there is a lack of evidence that horses were used to pull war chariots. Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.


Which of the following statements about Indus Valley Civilization is false?

A: There was a strong system of drains in the cities.

B: Trade and commerce were in advanced condition.

C: Mother Goddess was worshipped.

D: It is a Copper Age civilization.

Answer: D


Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization, while Indus Cities had a strong system of drains and trade and commerce were in advanced condition. Many evidences of the worship of Mother Goddess are found in Saindhava cities, which proves that Mother Goddess must have been worshipped. Hence, option (d) is correct.


From which religious sutra is there evidence of Upanayana being performed with different mantras for children of different castes?

A: Baudhayana Dharmasutra

B: Gautam Dharmasutra

C: Vashishtha Dharmasutra

D: Apastamba Dharmasutra

Answer: A


According to Baudhayana Dharmasutra, the Upanayana Sanskar of a Brahmin child was performed in the spring season at the age of 8 years through Gayatri Mantra. The Upanayana Sanskar of a Kshatriya child was performed in the summer season at the age of 11 years through Tristup Mantra. The Upanayana Sanskar of a Vaishya child was performed at the age of 12 years in autumn through Jagati Mantra. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Consider the following statements:

1. Agni Theertham is situated on the Visakhapatnam coast of Andhra Pradesh.

2. Agni Theertham is to the east of the Ramanathaswamy temple.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A: 1 only

B: 2 only

C: Both 1 and 2

D: Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: B


Agni Theertham is a beach located in Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu. It is to the east of Ramanathaswamy temple. Agni Theertham is one of the 64 sacred ponds of Rameshwaram. This is a very sacred religious place for Hindus. All pilgrims coming to Rameshwaram take a dip in the holy waters of this pond. Ramanathaswamy Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Hence, statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct.