The Supreme Court has recently directed the Rajasthan government to map and classify sacred groves as forests under the Wildlife Protection Act (WLPA), 1972. This decision has sparked concerns regarding its impact on community rights and traditional conservation practices.
The Issue: Conflict Between WLPA and FRA
The Forest Rights Act (FRA), 2006, recognizes community forest resources under gram sabhas, empowering local communities to manage them. However, the Supreme Court’s directive places sacred groves under government control, potentially disrupting long-standing conservation traditions and undermining community rights. India has an estimated 100,000 to 150,000 sacred groves, primarily in the Western Ghats, Central Plateau, and Northeastern states, making it home to the highest number globally.
Understanding Sacred Groves
Sacred groves are community-protected forest patches with immense cultural and ecological significance. Conserved through traditional customs and religious beliefs, these groves act as biodiversity hotspots and crucial water recharge zones, contributing to ecological stability.
The Supreme Court Case
The landmark T.N. Godavarman v. Union of India case (1996) established that any land exhibiting forest characteristics should be classified as forest land. In 2004, Rajasthan’s expert committee identified sacred groves as forests only if they met criteria such as covering at least 5 hectares and containing 200+ trees per hectare. However, the Supreme Court’s ruling on December 18, 2024, overrides these conditions, directing that all sacred groves be mapped, classified as forests, and declared as community reserves.
Significance of Sacred Groves
· Biodiversity Conservation: Sacred groves support rare and endemic species, serving as genetic reservoirs.
· Water Conservation: Many groves are linked to springs, ponds, and rivers, playing a crucial role in aquifer recharge.
· Soil Conservation & Climate Regulation: Dense vegetation stabilizes ecosystems, prevents soil erosion, and aids in land conservation.
· Cultural & Religious Importance: Sacred groves are deeply integrated into local traditions, rituals, and spiritual practices.
· Disaster Mitigation: They contribute to climate resilience, helping mitigate floods, droughts, and landslides.
Challenges to Sacred Groves
· Urbanization & Encroachment: Rapid development threatens sacred groves due to land conversion for infrastructure and real estate projects.
· Decline in Traditional Beliefs: Modernization and loss of indigenous knowledge weaken community-driven conservation efforts.
· Invasive Species: Non-native species like Lantana camara and Prosopis juliflora degrade native flora, impacting ecosystem health.
· Government Policies & Legal Conflicts: The WLPA’s framework for community reserves conflicts with FRA’s recognition of community forest rights, creating administrative challenges.
While the Supreme Court’s directive seeks to strengthen conservation efforts, it risks disrupting community rights and traditional ecological practices. A balanced approach that respects indigenous traditions while ensuring robust ecological protection is essential for the sustainable preservation of sacred groves.