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Daily-mcqs 20 Aug 2024
Which of the following statements is true regarding the India-Bangladesh Extradition Treaty?
A: The treaty does not allow extradition for political offences under any circumstances.
B: The treaty allows extradition for offences punishable with at least one year in prison.
C: The treaty was first signed in 2013 and has not been amended since then.
D: The principle of double criminality does not apply to the treaty.
Answer: B
The India-Bangladesh Extradition Treaty, signed in 2013 and amended in 2016, allows the extradition of individuals for offences punishable with at least one year in prison. The principle of double criminality applies under the treaty, which means that the offence must be punishable in both countries. While the treaty allows the refusal of extradition for political crimes. This exception is narrowly defined and does not include serious crimes such as murder and terrorism.
Which of the following statements about the Hayflick limit is true?
A: Hayflick limit refers to the number of times a cancer cell can divide.
B: The discovery of the Hayflick limit proved Alexis Carrel's claim that normal somatic cells are immortal.
C: Hayflick limit is related to the shortening of telomeres during cell division.
D: Hayflick's discovery suggested that if cells are kept in optimum conditions they can divide indefinitely.
Answer: C
Hayflick limit refers to the number of times a normal somatic human cell can divide before it stops replicating. Typically it occurs between 40 and 60 times. This phenomenon is closely related to the shortening of telomeres, which are protective caps on chromosomes that decrease in length with each cell division. Leonard Hayflick's discovery proved Alexis Carrel's earlier claim to be false that cells could divide indefinitely.
Which of the following statements is true regarding Category Ist and IInd Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) in India?
A: Category Ist and IInd AIFs invest primarily in listed equities.
B: Category Ist and IInd AIFs are eligible for pass-through tax status, which means the fund itself is not taxed.
C: SEBI does not regulate Category Ist and IInd AIFs.
D: Only Indian residents are allowed to invest in Category Ist and IInd AIFs.
Answer: B
Category I st and II nd AIFs are eligible for pass-through tax status, which means the income earned by the fund is not taxed at the fund level but is taxable to investors as if they had made the investment themselves. SEBI regulates these AIFs under the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012. Both Indian residents and non-residents, including NRIs and foreign nationals, can invest in these AIFs.
What is the primary objective of the India-Bangladesh Extradition Treaty?
A: Facilitate trade between India and Bangladesh
B: Prevent illegal immigration between the two countries
C: Address the issue of fugitives of insurgent groups and terrorist organisations operating across the border
D: Regulate financial transactions between the two countries
Answer: C
The primary objective of the India-Bangladesh Extradition Treaty is to address the problem of fugitives, particularly fugitives of insurgent groups and terrorist organisations that are active across the border between India and Bangladesh. The treaty was established to streamline the process of exchange of fugitives between the two countries so as to ensure that individuals involved in such activities are brought to justice.
Which type of Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) in India focuses primarily on investing in start-ups and early-stage ventures with high growth potential?
A: Category I st AIF - Infrastructure Funds
B: Category II nd AIF - Debt Funds
C: Category Ist AIF - Venture Capital Funds
D: Category III rd AIF - Hedge Funds
Answer: C
Category I AIFs include venture capital funds that are specifically designed to invest in start-ups or early-stage ventures that have high growth potential. These funds are part of the first category of AIFs in India and are focused on supporting businesses that are in their early stages and helping them grow and succeed.