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Daily-mcqs 04 Jul 2024

Current Affairs MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams 04 Jul 2024

Current Affairs MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams


Consider the following statements about the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) recovery program:

1. The CAMPA fund allocated Rs 56 crore for the Great Indian Bustard and Lesser Florican conservation for 2012-2013.

2. The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) proposed using the CAMPA funds for rewilding captive-bred bustards and developing artificial insemination techniques.

3. The Great Indian Bustard is a critically endangered in India.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

A: Only one

B: Only two

C: All three

D: None

Answer: B


Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority, (CAMPA) has approved Rs 56 crore funding for the conservation program of the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) and the Lesser Florican for 2024-2029. Hence, statement 1 is incorrect.

The proposal, prepared by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII), includes targets like rewilding ex-situ bred Bustards, detailed population studies and developing artificial insemination techniques. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

The Great Indian Bustard (GIB) is a critically endangered bird found only in India, crucial for grassland habitat health. Hence, statement 3 is correct.


Consider the following statements:

Statement-I: Super apps offer a single platform integrating various services through core features and independently developed miniapps.

Statement-II: Miniapps within a super app function independently but are accessed and managed by the super app's unified interface.

Which of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

A: Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement –II is the correct explanation of Statement-I

B: Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I

C: Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect

D: Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Answer: A


The buzz around super apps may have waned, but conglomerates like the Adani Group are still keen on their one-stop, multi-service platform, Adani One. A super app integrates multiple services into one platform, combining core features with independently developed miniapps that users can access and activate as needed. Hence, statement I is correct.

Coined by Blackberry founder Mike Lazaridis, super apps consolidate various functionalities into a single application. Each miniapp within a super app can operate independently but is accessed and managed through the unified interface of the super app itself. Hence, statement II is correct.

Here, statements I and II both are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I. Hence, option (a) is correct.


With reference to the Right to Information (RTI) 2005, consider the following statements:

1. It is a fundamental right in the Indian Constitution and allows citizens to access records held by the central and state governments.

2. It is enshrined in article 19(1) of Part 3 of the Indian Constitution.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

A: 1 only

B: 2 only

C: Both 1 and 2

D: Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: C


Recently, Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh stated that nearly 100% of Right to Information (RTI) appeals are being disposed of, with pendency decreasing annually. The Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005 is a fundamental right in the Indian Constitution.  It allows citizens to access records held by the central and state governments. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

The act was passed by the parliament in June 2005.  The RTI Act 2005 is enshrined in article 19(1) of Part 3 of the Indian Constitution. Hence, statement 2 is correct.


Consider the following statements about National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER):

1. It is India’s oldest and largest independent research institution established in 1956.

2. It conducts research including macroeconomics, industrial policy and social development.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect? 

A: 1 only

B: 2 only

C: Both 1 and 2

D: Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: D


Recently, National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) Director General noted that India's public debt is nearly 82% of GDP, but the country doesn't face a debt-sustainability issue due to its high growth rate and the large share of local-currency debt. The National Council of Applied Economic Research is India’s oldest and largest independent, non-profit economic policy research institution established in 1956. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

The institution conducts research on a wide range of economic issues, including macroeconomics, industrial policy, social development, trade and infrastructure. It engages in economic forecasting, survey-based research, data collection and analysis and provides policy recommendations. Its headquarter is in New Delhi, India. Hence, statement 2 is correct.


Which of the following statements best describes the term ‘NITI Aayog’?

A: A central government ministry focused solely on economic planning.

B: A research institution independent of the Indian government.

C: A policy think tank and government organization that advises on national development programs.

D: A regulatory body overseeing the activities of state governments.

Answer: C


NITI Aayog is launching Sampoornata Abhiyan, a three-month campaign from today (4th July 2024) till 30th September to undertake a sustained effort to achieve saturation of six key indicators in Aspirational Districts and Aspirational Blocks across the country. The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) is a policy think tank and government organization that advises the Indian government on policies and programs. It was established in 2015 to replace the Planning Commission. Hence, option (c) is correct.