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Current Affairs MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams 01 May 2024

Current Affairs MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams


Consider the following statements about Shenzhou-17:

1. It is an Indian spaceflight that launched on October 26, 2023.

2. It was arrived at Tiangong space station.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A: 1 Only

B: 2 Only

C: Both 1 and 2

D: Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: B


Recently, the Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship's capsule landed safely at the Dongfeng landing site in North China, concluding a six-month mission with three astronauts aboard China's space station. Shenzhou-17 is a Chinese spaceflight that launched on October 26, 2023, to the Tiangong space station. Hence, statement 1 is incorrect.

The spacecraft carried three astronauts (Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin) from the People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps (PLAAC) on a Shenzhou spacecraft.  The crew's primary tasks include conducting experiments in space medicine and technology, and installing and maintaining equipment inside and outside the station. The crew's average age is 38, making them the youngest team to go into space. The Shenzhou-17 spacecraft arrived at Tiangong space station about 6.5 hours after launching on a Long March 2F rocket. Hence, statement 2 is correct.


With reference to the International Labour Day, consider the following statements:

1. It is observed annually on May 1st.

2. It was declared International Labour Day in 1889 by the International Congress of Socialist Parties.

3. India celebrated its first Labour Day on May 1st, 1923 in New Delhi.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

A: Only one

B: Only two

C: All three

D: None

Answer: C


International Labour Day, also known as Workers’ Day or May Day, is observed annually on May 1st. It commemorates the historic struggles and sacrifices of the labour movement worldwide. It is celebrated in over 80 countries, including India, Cuba and China. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

On May 1st, 1886, workers in Chicago organized a strike demanding an eight-hour workday.

The Haymarket affair occurred during a peaceful rally in support of workers' rights in Chicago.

A bomb explosion at the rally led to a violent clash with the police, resulting in casualties and the designation of those who died as "Haymarket Martyrs." In 1889, the International Congress of Socialist Parties declared May 1st as International Labour Day to honor workers' struggles globally. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

India celebrated its first Labour Day on May 1st, 1923, in Chennai, organized by the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan. The Indian Constitution provides numerous safeguards for labour rights, including fundamental rights and Directive Principles of State Policy. Articles 14, 19(1)(c), 21, 23, 24, 39(a), 41, 42 and 43 outline protections for workers' rights, such as equal treatment, right to form unions, and prohibition of forced labour. Hence, statement 3 is correct.


Consider the following statements about Patachitra (scroll paintings):

1. Patachitra is a traditional art form originating from West Bengal and Odisha.

2. Patachitra artists typically use cloth, handmade paper and brushes made from animal hair.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A: 1 Only

B: 2 Only

C: Both 1 and 2

D: Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: C


Naya village in Paschim Medinipur’s Pingla block, West Bengal, is a hub of traditional patachitra (scroll paintings) artists. Patachitra, meaning "cloth painting," is a traditional art form originating from the eastern Indian states of West Bengal and Odisha. Patachitra paintings are characterized by intricate detailing, vibrant colors and elaborate storytelling. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

They often depict scenes from mythology, folklore, religious themes and everyday rural life, showcasing the artist's creativity and imagination. Patachitra artists typically use natural materials such as cloth, handmade paper, natural pigments and brushes made from animal hair. Pingla has become a global market for patachitra art, supported by non-profits and international organizations like UNESCO. Hence, statement 2 is correct.


Consider the following statements:

Statement-I:  Taam Ja' Blue Hole is the deepest known blue hole in the world.

Statement-II:  The depth of Taam Ja' Blue Hole is 1,380 feet and it is located in the South China Sea.

Which of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

A: Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement –II is the correct explanation of Statement-I

B: Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I

C: Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect

D: Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Answer: C


Recently, the researchers have found the world's deepest blue hole Taam Ja' Blue Hole (TJBH), in the Latin American country of Mexico. Taam Ja' Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole located in Chetumal Bay, Mexico and is the second deepest known blue hole in the world. It plunges to a depth of at least 1,380 feet (420 meters) below sea level, surpassing the previous record holder, the Dragon Hole in the South China Sea. Blue holes are geological formations formed by the collapse of soluble bedrock, creating vertical caverns filled with water. It was first discovered in 2021 and recent measurements have revealed its true depth and dimensions. Here, statement I is correct while statement II is incorrect. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Consider the following statements:

1. Kendu leaves are primarily used for rolling beedis.

2. The collection and trade of kendu leaves are regulated by state governments.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A: 1 Only

B: 2 Only

C: Both 1 and 2

D: Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: C


Recently, over 100 Gram Sabhas in Odisha have taken significant steps to exercise their forest rights by directly selling kendu leaves, bypassing traditional middlemen structures. Kendu leaves, also known as tendu leaves in some regions, are the leaves of the Diospyros melanoxylon tree native to India. Kendu leaves are primarily used for rolling beedis, which are traditional Indian cigarettes. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

Kendu leaves serve as a vital source of income for many tribal communities in India, particularly in states like Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Jharkhand. The collection and trade of kendu leaves are regulated by state governments, often through Forest Departments. Tribal communities often have customary rights over forests where kendu leaves grow. The Forest Rights Act (2006) recognizes these rights and empowers communities to manage and utilize forest resources sustainably. Hence, statement 2 is correct.