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Daily-current-affairs / 10 Jul 2022

Shinzo Abe and India : Daily Current Affairs


Relevance: GS-2: Bilateral Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.

Key Phrases: Abenomics, Womenic, Proactive Pacifism, Japanese Self-Esteem, Arc of Freedom and Prosperity, QUAD, CEPA, The Five Eyes Alliance;


  • The passing of Former Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe calls us to reminisce about his contribution to making Japan geopolitically relevant, establishing principles of social justice and rebuilding Indo-Japan ties.

Key Highlights

Rise of Shinzo Abe as a career politician

  • He won elections 6 times in his long career.
  • He served as a prime minister 3 times
  • First time he was elected in 2006 but he resigned in 2007.
  • Then he got elected in 20012 and 2014 and served as PM from 2012 till 2020.

Contributions to Japan

Economic Front

  • He popularised ‘Abenomics’.
    • This involves a mix of bold quantitative easing, fiscal spending, and structural reforms.
    • This rekindled the growth in initial terms of getting elected.
  • He addressed the issues of a shrinking labour force by revising migration and gender policies.
    • He started ‘Womenics’.
      • This involved government’s preferential treatment to the companies as a reward for hiring women.
      • Creation of government-funded daycare centres.
    • These moves helped the Japanese companies to question their deeply entrenched biases.

Security Front

  • He increased defence spending and was unapologetic about the need for Japan to enhance its power projection capabilities.
  • Under his regime, the Japanese constitution was reinterpreted to allow Japanese soldiers to fight on foreign soil to protect friendly countries.
  • He nudged Japanese politicians to embrace Proactive Pacifism
    • His actions were not synonymous with reviving Japanese Militarism but to restore ‘Japanese Self-Esteem’.

Geopolitical Front

  • He was the 1st one to have a vision of the Indo-Pacific before the importance of this region became clear on the geostrategic front.
  • He increased Japanese significance geopolitically by increasingly forming alliances with like-minded countries.
    • It has reached a level where Japan’s membership in the 5-Eyes alliance is being discussed.
  • He balanced ties with the protectionist and transactional US (under Trump Administration).

Contribution to Indo-Japan ties

  • Gave a new momentum to Indo-Japan ties
    • He became the 1st Japanese PM to visit India thrice in a single term.
    • Recognition of India as a responsible nuclear power by signing a civil nuclear pact in 2016
      • This represented a shift. As Japan heavily criticised India after the Pokhran II tests in 1998 and maintained US-led sanctions by stopping various developmental loans.
  • Joint efforts of Indo-Japan Ties
    • AAGC - Asia Africa Growth Corridor with which India and Japan are taking efforts in building developmental infrastructure in African nations and in South Asian Countries.
    • QUAD was revived in 2017.
  • Developmental Loans to India
    • Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor.
    • Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train.
  • Vision for India’s position in Indo-Pacific Strategy
    • He regarded India as an important and equal partner in making Indo-Pacific an “Arc of Freedom and Prosperity”.
    • 2 democratic nations with similar world outlooks could work together to evolve Indo-Pacific into an immense network spanning the entirety of the Pacific Ocean, incorporating the US and Australia, where openness and transparency will be inherent in a network to allow people, goods, capital and knowledge to flow freely.
  • He was the chief guest on Republic Day of 2014, the 1st Japanese PM to do so.
    • This was significant as Japan practices pacifism and maintains distance from the display of arms and military power.

Indo-Japan Ties


  • India was not a signatory to San Francisco Peace Treaty (1951) which was signed between the allies and the defeated countries from the Axis power
    • Rather, India signed its separate peace and bilateral treaty with Japan.
    • This built a bonhomie between India and Japan.
  • Radhabinod Pal’s dissenting judgement in Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals is still seen in a positive light amongst Japanese vis-a-vis India.
  • India was 1st country overseas to accept bilateral aid from Japan.
  • Various innovation and skill training were provided by Japan to Indians
    • The first Doordarshan Engineers were trained in Japan.
    • The first people’s car was developed due to a partnership between Maruti and Suzuki.

Areas of Cooperation

  • Economic and Commercial Relations
    • Both the countries have signed CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement).
    • Japan is one of the largest FDI donors in India and provides loans through the Japanese ODA (Official Developmental Assistance).
    • SCRI - Supply Chain Resilience Initiative is a joint initiative between India, Japan and Australia which aims to enhance resilience in supply chains against shocks.
  • Defence and Security Cooperation
    • G4 - India and Japan along with Germany and Brazil are campaigning for the expansion of the UNSC and being inducted as permanent members.
    • 2+2 ministerial dialogue for enhancing defence and foreign relations.
    • QUAD for free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific.
    • Military exercises such as Shinyu Maitri, Dharma-Guardian, etc
  • Skill Development
    • A Labour deficient Japan has opened up 12 JIIM (Japan-India Institute of Management) to train 30K youth in Japanese manufacturing.
  • Cooperation in Frontier and Emerging tech
    • LUPEX mission
    • Digital partnership
    • India-Japan Emerging Technology and Innovation Fund for Startups in AI and IoT
  • Cultural
    • Buddhist Diplomacy
    • Partner City/Sister City Affiliation Agreement - Varanasi and Kyoto


  • CEPA hasn’t significantly increased India’s exports.
  • Balance of Trade is negative for India.
  • Frequent non-tariff barriers put up by Japan.

Source: ORF-Online  Indian Express

Mains Question:

Q. Highlight the importance of (Late) Former PM Shinzo Abe in Indo-Japan ties? Also mention challenges of Indo-Japan ties and suggest a suitable way forward.