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Daily-current-affairs / 05 Jul 2024

Rebooting India’s Computer Literacy : Daily News Analysis



The recently released National Sample Survey (NSS) 78th round of the Multiple Indicator Survey (conducted in 2020-21), a household survey that provides individual-level information on computer literacy.

Computer Literacy

  • Current Status of Computer Literacy
    • Computer literacy, defined as the ability to use a computer, stands at 24.7% among individuals aged 15 years and above. This marks an increase from 18.4% in 2017-18 to 24.7% in 2020-21 overall. In rural areas, it increased from 11.1% to 18.1%, while in urban areas, it rose from 34.7% to 39.6%. These figures are cause for concern and cast a shadow over the nation’s digital aspirations.
    • Unless there are serious measures to universalize digital literacy, rural India’s population, nearly 70%, will face significant disadvantages. Given the government’s aim to provide various public services through digital technology, a significant portion of the population will remain excluded.

Importance of Computer Literacy

  • Digital Dependence
    • Computer literacy is essential in today's world as critical services such as banking, health care, and various government services have become digital. It implies the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently. This ensures individuals can access and use these services effectively, enhancing their quality of life. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of computer and Internet access, from ordering groceries and online education to managing banking and health-care services.
  • Digital India
    • Recognizing the necessity of computer literacy, the Indian government launched the Digital India campaign in 2015 to transform the country into a digitally empowered society. Additionally, computer education is increasingly integrated into the formal education system, starting from an early age in schools. Numerous skill development and vocational training programs focus on enhancing computer literacy among youth and adults, mainly targeting underprivileged and marginalised communities to bridge the digital divide.
  • Enhancing Worker Productivity
    • An Empirical Study from CPS Surveys”, economist Gang Peng finds that computer skills enhance employability and worker productivity. A separate investigation by Preston-Lee Govindasamy in South Africa validated a positive correlation between computer literacy, employment probability, and earnings.

Hurdles in Ensuring Computer Literacy

  • Unequal Literacy Across Age Groups
    • The proportion of computer-literate individuals varies across different age groups in India. The survey reveals that computer literacy diminishes with age, with higher rates observed among younger demographics. This trend reflects the disparity in computer education accessibility between recent and older age cohorts, often referred to as a “cohort effect” or “generation effect” in social sciences.
    • Hence, the overall computer literacy rate of 24.7% exhibits significant inequality across age cohorts. It peaks among individuals aged 20-24 years, reaching 45.9%, and declines to its lowest point among the oldest age group of 65-69 years, at 4.4%. Even among the youngest age cohorts, computer literacy has not reached 50%. Given the increasing spread of computer technology in every aspect of life, a larger chunk of the population will be excluded from the modern development journey.
  • Variations Across States
    • Individuals aged 20-39 years, typically in the midst of their careers or job searching, have a computer literacy rate of just 34.8%. There is significant variation in computer literacy for this age group across different States of India. The analysis of computer literacy rates among individuals aged 20-39 years across
    • States show a striking 55.1 percentage point gap between Kerala (72.7%) and Assam, where only 17.6% possess computer skills in this age group. Economically disadvantaged States such as Assam (17.6%), Bihar (20.4%), Madhya Pradesh (21%), Jharkhand (21.2%), Uttar Pradesh (22.9%), Odisha (25.1%), Chhattisgarh (26%), and Rajasthan (27.6%) lag behind, with less than 30% proficiency in computer operation.
    • Given that computer literacy is pivotal to the social and economic development of States, the lower rates in economically backward States exacerbate their disadvantage in benefiting from modern development. A failure to address this divide will widen the development gap across Indian States. Bridging the digital divide and fostering inclusive growth necessitates sustained efforts by government, private sector, and civil society stakeholders.
  • India's Modest Progress
    • One reason for modest progress could be that many schools and colleges across India lack the necessary infrastructure and qualified teachers to impart adequate computer training. This shortfall contributes to significant deficiencies in computer literacy among young students and new graduates, which could constrain their employment opportunities.
    • Although computer education is part of the school curriculum, there are significant gaps in access and instructional standards, highlighting the need to prioritise computer literacy within the education system. Among older age groups, computer illiteracy could be attributed to a lack of motivation to learn or due to limited access to learning resources. It is common for older demographics to exhibit less enthusiasm in embracing new technologies.
  • Exacerbating Socio-Economic Inequalities
    • Computer literacy exacerbates socio-economic inequalities by creating a digital divide and a skill gap, leading to unequal job market opportunities. Those with better computer skills can leverage technology for personal and professional development, while those lacking these skills face barriers in accessing essential services, participating in the digital economy, and advancing their careers, thus perpetuating economic disparities.

Impact of Computer Illiteracy

  • Digital Divide
    • Computer illiteracy in today’s digital society can severely restrict an individual’s opportunities and experiences. It leads to limited job prospects, social isolation, financial exclusion from online transactions and services, and restricted access to vast information resources. As Artificial Intelligence advances, employers seek individuals not only familiar with computers but also equipped with the capability to execute complex tasks.
  • Shifting Demands
    • Learning how to use a computer and the Internet can help employees develop skills that employers are looking for. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) survey (2014-15) found that adults without computer experience are more often unemployed, with a 52.5% employment rate, compared to 72.7% for those with basic computer skills.
  • Financial Exclusion and Cyberthreat
    • An increasing number of financial services are conducted online, from banking to bill payments. Without computer literacy, individuals may struggle to manage their finances effectively and access essential services. Along with this, computer illiteracy can make individuals more susceptible to online scams and phishing attacks. They lack the ability to critically evaluate information online, putting them at risk financially and personally.

Path Forward to Ensure Computer Literacy

  • Focus Areas for Improvement
    • While India has made some progress in computer literacy, the outreach and outcomes of this mission remain limited. Further, the data show significant disparity in both the level and distribution of computer literacy across States. The existence of a wide digital divide between economically prosperous and disadvantaged States will hinder inclusive growth and development opportunities for large segments of the population.
  • Schools
    • Schools should equip students with computer skills that will allow them to fully participate in our rapidly changing economies. School education should ensure that all graduating students possess computer literacy skills, as this is crucial to bridge the digital divide. The government should allocate resources towards the training of computer personnel and ensure sufficient staffing levels.
  • Older Population
    • For the older population outside the formal education system, targeted programs are essential. These should involve various institutions, including local governing bodies such as panchayats and non-governmental organisations, to effectively reach and empower older individuals with computer literacy skills.
  • Government Initiatives
    • The government should also conduct a thorough review of computer literacy programs and develop strategies to achieve higher literacy and reduce disparities in the coming years. With a clear plan to run various public services with technology, a significant portion of the country’s population needs to be able to cross the digital divide.


To bridge the digital divide, a multi-pronged approach is crucial. By addressing these issues and focusing on key areas for improvement, India can make substantial progress towards enhancing computer literacy and ensuring inclusive growth for all its citizens. This digital transformation is not just about technological advancement; it's about creating a level playing field for every individual to access opportunities and participate in the modern world.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains

  1. What specific measures can be taken by the Indian government and educational institutions to address the infrastructural and instructional deficiencies in computer literacy training, particularly in economically disadvantaged states? (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. What are the challenges faced in achieving universal computer literacy in rural India, and how do these challenges impact the overall digital empowerment of the country? What measures have been taken so far, and what additional steps can be implemented? (12 Marks, 250 Words)

Source: The Hindu