Quantum Teleportation
Scientist have for the first time revealed the instant transfer of units of quantum information known as qubits. This is known as ‘Quantum Teleportation. The qubits were transferred faster than the speed of light over a distance of 27 miles. It can revolutionize the computing world with the use of quantum internet service.
Quantum communication systems are safer than regular networks because they use photons that cannot be hacked whereas computer codes can be hacked.
In quantum internet information is teleported through qubits over long distances through entanglement.
Quantum Entanglement is the phenomenon where entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed by one affects the behavior of the other, where distance does not matter. This means that particles are dependent on the other even they are separated by large distances. Hence, Quantum teleportation is transfer of quantum information from one point to another. Qubits take the value of zero and one at the same time in contrary to bit that can take the value of zero or one.
The teleportation is very sensitive to environmental interference that can affect its quality or ‘fidelity’. The teleportation was instant and faster than the speed of light and more than 90% fidelity was reported from the researchers.
Thus high fidelity is necessary especially in the case of quantum networks designed to connect advanced quantum devices, including quantum sensors. However the technology is yet to reach the point to arise beyond sophisticated tests such as this, there are already plans for how policy makers will employ the technology.US department of energy is planning to erect a quantum network between its laboratories across the states. This technology is likely exceed the speeds of the world's current most sophisticated supercomputers by around 100 trillion times.
If successfully implemented it will usher in a new era of computing that would transform the fields of data storage, precision sensing and computing.
Another major development
In another research done in Denmark has developed a nanochip that allows them to produce enough stable photons encoded with quantum information to scale up the technology. The chip, which is less than one-tenth of the thickness of a human hair, may entitle the team to achieve ‘quantum advantage’ – where a quantum device can solve a given computational task faster than the world’s most powerful supercomputer. The results of the experiment are promising but its high cost of running has delayed the scientist to actually conduct the Quantum Advantage experiment.