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Daily-current-affairs / 29 May 2024

Prioritizing Punctuality Over Safety : Daily News Analysis



A critical examination of incidents within Indian Railways reveals a troubling trend: prioritizing punctuality and performance metrics over safety protocols. This "playing to the gallery" approach aims to impress superiors and the public, but it places undue pressure on loco pilots, compromising their welfare and rail safety.

Disciplinary Action for Adhering to Rule

In a recent incident within one of the zonal railways, a loco pilot faced potential disciplinary action for adhering to the speed limit prescribed for a light engine tasked with rescuing a stranded train. The train had stalled midsection due to a locomotive failure, and the pilot operated at the 15 km/h speed limit as authorized in writing by the station master. However, the pilot was criticized for not exceeding this speed to reduce delays for passenger trains, highlighting a dangerous precedence where punctuality was deemed more important than adhering to safety regulations. The disciplinary action was only withdrawn after media coverage brought attention to the case.

Management's Overreach and Its Consequences

Recently, a significant safety breach occurred when an unmanned train consisting of two diesel locomotives and 53 loaded wagons rolled out of Kathua station and traveled over 70 kilometers unattended. The situation was exacerbated by the station’s continuous gradient, which caused the train to gain speed. Thankfully, disaster was averted by routing the train through unoccupied lines.

The inquiry into this incident, shrouded in secrecy due to restrictive RTI clauses, suggests mismanagement at play. According to staff reports, the loco pilots had requested relief after completing their shifts but were instead instructed to stable the train and proceed to another station via a passenger train. The rushed stabling of the train on a gradient without sufficient securing time led to the runaway. Despite these mitigating factors, the pilots, along with the station master and a pointsman, faced summary removal under the Railway’s disciplinary and appeal rules.

Tragic Collision and Questionable Accusations

On October 29, 2023, the Visakhapatnam-Rayagada Collision between the Visakhapatnam-Rayagada Passenger and the Visakhapatnam-Palasa Passenger resulted in the deaths of 14 passengers and crew members. The statutory inquiry conducted by the Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) identified operational errors and failure to adhere to rules in sections with defective automatic signaling as the primary causes. However, a subsequent announcement by the Railway Minister in March 2024 shifted the blame onto the loco pilots, alleging distraction due to watching a cricket match on a mobile phone—a claim that later proved unsubstantiated.

Contradictory Reports and Lack of Evidence

The CRS's Preliminary Report did not support the allegation of the crew’s distraction by a mobile phone. Instead, it highlighted the loco pilot’s alertness through multiple operations performed in the minutes before the collision. Despite this, the Minister’s public statement propagated the distraction theory, casting aspersions on the deceased crew’s professionalism. The Final Report reaffirmed the initial findings, and subsequent mobile data analysis found no evidence of the alleged distraction. This episode reflects poorly on the railway administration's professionalism and sensitivity, revealing an inclination towards scapegoating rather than addressing systemic issues.

Overlooked Human Factors and Systemic Failures

  • Lack of Professionalism in Railway Accident Investigations: Each incident discussed involves loco pilots and directly impacts rail safety, illustrating a pervasive issue within the Indian Railways management. The eagerness to penalize staff appears aimed at demonstrating a tough stance to various "galleries"—be it superiors, the Ministry, media, or the public—rather than addressing the root causes of these safety breaches.
  • Staffing and Workload: With nearly 10% vacancies in the cadre of loco pilots and increasing freight volumes, it is clear that the pressures on existing staff are immense. Achieving high operational performance under these conditions often necessitates the breach of rules governing duty hours. The resultant fatigue and stress are significant safety risks that need urgent attention.
  • Duty Hours and Rest: The continuous night shifts and inadequate rest periods at home stations further compound the problem, making pilots more susceptible to errors. These human factors underscore the need for comprehensive measures to ensure the well-being of loco pilots, which is essential for maintaining rail safety.

Recommendations by the CAG to enhance safety

  1. Enhance Monitoring Mechanisms: Develop a robust monitoring system to ensure timely execution of maintenance activities, incorporating fully mechanized methods and advanced technologies.
  2. Adhere to RRSK Guidelines: The railway administration must strictly follow the guiding principles for the deployment of Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh (RRSK) funds.
  3. Prepare Detailed Outcome Frameworks: Indian Railways should prepare a comprehensive outcome framework for each safety-related task.
  4. Maintain Timelines for Accident Inquiries: Ensure strict adherence to scheduled timelines for conducting and finalizing accident inquiries.


The recounted incidents reveal a troubling trend in Indian Railways: prioritizing punctuality and performance metrics over fundamental safety protocols. This approach endangers railway employees and passengers and undermines the integrity and professionalism of the railway administration. Addressing systemic issues, ensuring adequate staffing and rest for loco pilots, and fostering a culture that genuinely prioritizes safety over superficial metrics are imperative. Only by doing so can Indian Railways hope to prevent such incidents in the future and maintain the trust and safety of its stakeholders.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam-

  1. What are the key systemic issues identified in the Indian Railways that compromise the safety and welfare of loco pilots, and what measures are suggested to address these issues? (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. How does the prioritization of punctuality and performance metrics over safety protocols within Indian Railways impact the overall safety and operational integrity, according to the incidents discussed? (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source- The Hindu