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Daily-current-affairs / 07 Jun 2024

Harnessing AI to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance: New Advances and Future Challenges : Daily News Analysis



Antimicrobial resistant infections are a significant global health threat, responsible for millions of deaths each year. This pressing issue has the potential to revert humanity to a time when common infections such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) or pneumonia were frequently lethal and untreatable. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, develop mechanisms to evade the drugs designed to eliminate them. The overuse of antibiotics, particularly in settings such as poultry farms and healthcare facilities, has been identified as a primary driver of AMR. However, recent scientific advancements provide hope in the ongoing battle against AMR.

Understanding AMR and Its Causes

AMR arises when microorganisms evolve to survive exposure to antimicrobial drugs, rendering standard treatments ineffective and leading to persistent infections. This phenomenon is exacerbated by the excessive and often inappropriate use of antibiotics in both agricultural and medical contexts. In farms, antibiotics are frequently administered to livestock to promote growth and prevent disease, creating an environment where resistant strains can thrive and spread. Similarly, in healthcare settings, the over-prescription and misuse of antibiotics contribute significantly to the development of resistant pathogens.

Efforts to mitigate AMR have become a focal point in scientific research, with a concerted push towards understanding the mechanisms of resistance and discovering new antibiotics that can effectively combat resistant strains. This endeavor is crucial to maintaining the efficacy of antibiotics and ensuring that common infections remain treatable.

Scientific Advances in AMR Research

Significant progress has been made in the field of AMR research, particularly in understanding the underlying mechanisms and in developing innovative approaches to discover new antibiotics. Luis Pedro Coelho, a computational biologist at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, leads a notable study that underscores these advancements. Coelho's research, published in the journal Cell, introduces a comprehensive database of nearly one million potential antibiotic compounds, offering a promising avenue for overcoming AMR.

Sebastian Hiller, a structural biologist at the University of Basel in Switzerland, acknowledges the importance of this study, emphasizing that it exemplifies the vast scientific capabilities available to combat superbugs. The study harnesses the power of machine learning to identify potential antibiotic agents from an extensive database of microbes found in various environments, such as soil, oceans, and the guts of humans and animals.

Utilizing AI for Antibiotic Discovery

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in antibiotic discovery represents a groundbreaking development in the fight against AMR. The study led by Coelho employs machine learning algorithms to explore potential antibiotic peptides produced by bacteria in competitive environments. These peptides serve as biochemical weapons, used by bacteria to eliminate their rivals. By mining this biological arsenal, researchers identified numerous promising antibiotic candidates.

The AI algorithm sifted through billions of protein sequences, narrowing down the list to the most promising candidates with predicted antimicrobial properties. Ultimately, the researchers identified 863,498 new antimicrobial peptides, with more than 90% being previously undescribed. These peptides share a common mechanism of action: disrupting bacterial cell membranes, which are crucial for bacterial survival.

Laboratory and In Vivo Testing

To validate the potential of these newly discovered peptides, the researchers synthesized 100 peptides and tested their efficacy against 11 pathogenic bacterial strains in laboratory conditions. The results were encouraging, with 79 of the peptides demonstrating the ability to disrupt bacterial membranes and 63 specifically targeting antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus.

The research team also conducted in vivo tests, using mice with infected skin abscesses to assess the real-world efficacy of the peptides. Although only three peptides showed significant antimicrobial effects in living organisms, this outcome is still considered a remarkable achievement. According to Seyed Majed Modaresi from the University of Basel, these findings suggest that while the in vivo efficacy of the peptides may be limited, they could offer an alternative to highly toxic last-resort antibiotics such as polymyxins.

Open Access Data and Future Implications

One of the key contributions of Coelho's study is the publication of their extensive dataset with open access, allowing other scientists to explore the 863,498 peptides and potentially develop targeted antibiotic drugs. This collaborative approach enables researchers to tailor antibiotic properties to specific needs, such as minimizing the impact on beneficial gut bacteria. Many existing antibiotics indiscriminately destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria, which can lead to health complications and the dominance of harmful pathogens.

The dataset also provides a foundation for creating antibiotics that bacteria are less likely to develop resistance against, thereby contributing to the long-term fight against AMR. The application of machine learning in this study highlights the potential for AI to accelerate the discovery of new antibiotics, offering a powerful tool in the scientific arsenal against resistant infections.

Broader Impact and Commercialization Challenges

While the study's findings are promising, significant challenges remain in the commercial viability of new antibiotics. Sebastian Hiller notes that new antibiotics are typically reserved for use only when existing treatments fail, to prevent the development of resistance. This practice, while beneficial in preserving the efficacy of antibiotics, makes it challenging for new antibiotics to be financially viable.

Efforts are underway by health organizations and governments to address this issue and make the commercialization of new antibiotics more feasible. By drawing from the vast pools of potential antibiotics identified through studies like Coelho's, there is hope for developing effective treatments that can be sustainably produced and used in clinical settings.


The fight against antimicrobial resistance is far from over, but recent scientific advancements provide a reason for optimism. The innovative use of machine learning to discover new antibiotic peptides represents a significant leap forward in the battle against AMR. By publishing their extensive dataset with open access, researchers like Luis Pedro Coelho are fostering a collaborative approach to antibiotic development, paving the way for targeted and effective treatments.

As the scientific community continues to explore and develop these promising compounds, the challenge remains to ensure their commercial viability and sustainable use. With ongoing efforts from health organizations and governments, there is hope that new antibiotics can be successfully integrated into the healthcare system, helping to combat the threat of antimicrobial resistance and protect public health.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam

  1. Discuss the role of artificial intelligence in the discovery of new antibiotics. How can AI-driven research help in addressing the global threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)?(10 marks, 150 words)
  2. What are the primary challenges associated with the commercialization of new antibiotics? Evaluate the efforts by health organizations and governments to make antibiotic commercialization more viable, in light of recent scientific advancements in AMR research.(15 marks, 250 words)

 Source - The Indian Express