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Daily-current-affairs / 28 Aug 2024

India’s Military Diplomacy : Daily News Analysis



The recent events in neighbouring Bangladesh, leading to the sudden ouster of four times Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina, caught the world by surprise. Sheikh Hasina’s hasty departure resulted in gross mindless violence against the Hindu community in Bangladesh and large-scale vandalism against Hindu temples. Down the decades, successive Indian political leadership and largely our bureaucrats have kept its armed forces away from such pursuits.

A Critical Element of Statecraft

The Importance of Military Diplomacy in Statecraft

Military diplomacy is an essential, yet often overlooked, component of India’s Comprehensive National Power (CNP). It requires a more concerted effort to achieve national objectives, as highlighted by recent events in Bangladesh. The unexpected ouster of Bangladesh's four-time Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, due to student protests over job reservations for the children of freedom fighters, led to widespread violence, particularly against the Hindu community. India's inability to foresee or influence these events raises questions about the effectiveness of its diplomatic and military strategies in the region.

Diplomacy and Its Role in International Relations

Diplomacy involves the management of international relations through peaceful means, whether bilateral or multilateral, to foster amicable relationships between nations. However, when diplomacy fails, the use of military force often becomes the next step. Although the terms "military diplomacy" and "military intelligence" might seem contradictory, military diplomacy refers to the non-violent, strategic use of military resources to support national foreign policy objectives.

As noted by Strategic Analyst Anton Du Plessis, military diplomacy involves leveraging the discipline and expertise of armed forces in non-combat operations to achieve these goals. While historical practices like "gun-boat diplomacy"—where force was threatened to achieve objectives—are less common today, military diplomacy continues to be a significant extension of a nation's soft power.

The Strategic Importance of Military Diplomacy

Goals of Military Diplomacy

In today's volatile geopolitical landscape, maintaining a high level of national security preparedness is crucial. This is largely dependent on the strength of a nation's CNP, which is a combination of economic strength, military power, societal harmony, political stability, technological advancement, and the respect it commands internationally. Military diplomacy plays a vital role in achieving national security and foreign policy objectives, complementing and enhancing traditional diplomatic efforts.

In the last few decades, India has made significant strides in military diplomacy, but as an emerging global power, more needs to be done. Dr. Marc Faber, author of the best-seller Gloom, Boom, and Doom, has observed that India remains ambivalent about its power and has yet to fully develop a strategic agenda that matches its growing economic capabilities. Historically, India has struggled to effectively utilize its military resources in support of national objectives.

Examples of Effective Military Diplomacy

India has employed military diplomacy effectively on several occasions. The Indian Navy's successful rescue of hostages from Somali and Houthi pirates in West Asian waterways is a prime example. However, military operations like the 1988 Operation Cactus in the Maldives or the deployment of the Indian Peace Keeping Force to Sri Lanka are not considered military diplomacy. Instead, India's longstanding involvement in UN Peacekeeping Missions worldwide since the mid-1950s is a clear demonstration of military diplomacy in action.

Integrating Military Diplomacy into India's National Strategy

The Role of Military Diplomacy in National Strategy

Military diplomacy does not replace a country's foreign or security policies; rather, it supplements them, providing additional benefits. It enhances cooperation, particularly in defense matters, leading to stronger economic ties and mutual confidence-building. Collaboration with technologically advanced nations grants access to cutting-edge weaponry and platforms. Moreover, intelligence-sharing with friendly nations can prevent significant threats to national interests, including terrorist activities. Military diplomacy also facilitates cooperation in non-traditional security areas, such as disaster management, anti-piracy operations, pandemic response, and mass evacuations.

The Current Status of Military Diplomacy in India

India’s initial approach to military diplomacy was shaped by its first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, who adopted a pacifist, non-aligned foreign policy. Former Army Chief General Ved Malik has pointed out that Nehruvian India was distrustful of the armed forces and kept them out of key decision-making processes in the Ministry of Defence. Despite this, Nehru played a significant role in international military diplomacy, chairing the UN Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission in 1953 and deploying troops on UN missions, a practice that continues today.

Since its establishment in March 2002, India’s Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) has managed the country’s military and defense attachés (MA/DA) abroad, as well as coordinated with foreign attachés in New Delhi. India has also opened its military training institutions to many Western and Afro-Asian nations, a move that has been widely appreciated. Currently, India has around 52 military/defense attachés abroad and hosts approximately 102 from foreign nations in New Delhi, contributing significantly to stronger diplomatic and defense relationships.

The Need for Enhanced Military Diplomacy

  • Leveraging Defence Forces for Regional Diplomacy : India has increasingly utilized its defense forces to address the dual challenges of containing the adverse regional impacts of the evolving security situation in Afghanistan and countering growing Chinese maritime assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific. These defense initiatives have been instrumental in shaping India's regional diplomacy, fostering sustained cooperative engagement, and creating a network of partnerships throughout the region. However, to maintain and strengthen these partnerships, India must invest further in its naval, expeditionary, and logistical capabilities.
  • Adapting to Global Security Shifts : The world is currently experiencing significant geopolitical shifts, particularly due to the Russo-Ukraine war, which has redirected the West's focus to European security concerns. While the outcome of this war is crucial for India, it is especially vital from a defense perspective. The sinking of Russia's flagship, the Moskva, and the setbacks in Russia's advance toward Kiev highlighted the need for India to rapidly expand and diversify its defense capabilities. In response, India has increasingly turned to indigenous technology for key defense programs, including fighter jets and aircraft carriers.
  • Aligning Foreign and Defense Policies : Defense diplomacy should not operate in isolation from foreign policy. Instead, India's foreign and defense policies must work in tandem to ensure that the nation's interests are prioritized. A coordinated approach between these two domains is essential for effectively advancing India's strategic objectives on the global stage.


For India to maximize the benefits of military diplomacy, the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) should be granted additional powers and resources. This would greatly enhance India’s military diplomacy efforts, both domestically and internationally, thereby serving the nation’s strategic interests. Military diplomacy remains a largely untapped component of India’s CNP, and a more holistic and robust approach is necessary to achieve national objectives

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains

1.    Critically examine the role of military diplomacy in enhancing India's Comprehensive National Power (CNP) and its implications for regional stability and national security. How can India leverage military diplomacy to advance its strategic interests, particularly in light of recent global geopolitical shifts? (10 Marks,150 Words)

2.    Discuss the importance of integrating military diplomacy with India's foreign and defense policies. Analyze the challenges and opportunities in strengthening India's military diplomacy, with reference to recent events and ongoing defense initiatives. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source: ORF India