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Daily-current-affairs / 25 Jun 2023

India-USA Foster a Path to Jointly Construct Stable Asian Balance of Power System : Daily News Analysis


Date : 26/06/2023

Relevance: GS Paper 2 : Bilateral Relations

Key Words: Balance of power, Geo- Politics, Multipolar Asia, Quad, Galwan face-off


  • The recent agreements between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden have set forth a sweeping ambition for India-US relations. These agreements encompass various domains such as technology cooperation, climate change, defense collaboration, and multilateralism, signifying a significant shift in the bilateral relationship.
  • This newfound collaboration between India and the US paves the way for the construction of a stable Asian balance of power system, which holds immense implications for Asian geopolitics.

What is Geo-Politics?

  • Geopolitics is the study of the effects of Earth's geography (human and physical) on politics and international relations.
  • Geopolitics focuses on political power linked to geographic space, in particular, territorial waters and land territory in correlation with diplomatic history.

Joint Construction of a Stable Asian Balance of Power:

  • The evolving defense partnership between India and the US marks a defining moment in Asian geopolitics, countering the notion of inevitable Chinese dominance.
  • Rather than seeking to contain Beijing, this partnership aims to establish a multipolar Asia, equipped with sufficient deterrent capabilities to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all regional states.
  • Both India and the US recognize the importance of maintaining productive relations with China, as evidenced by India's patient engagement and the US efforts to establish guardrails against escalating tensions.

Overcoming Past Disagreements:

  • In the past, India and the US faced challenges in establishing a fruitful relationship due to differing views on the geopolitical landscape in Asia.
  • Disagreements encompassed assessments of Soviet Russia, Communist China, Cold War alliances, and the US's support for Pakistan during India's Bangladesh liberation war in 1971. India's focus on its internal economy hindered efforts to bridge political differences through economic engagement.
  • While there were intermittent opportunities for cooperation, such as following the Chinese attack on India in the 1960s and the formation of the Quadrilateral Forum in 2007, lingering concerns in both Delhi and Washington limited the potential for deeper strategic collaboration in Asia.
  • However, the current defense cooperation reflects a convergence of geopolitical and geo-economic interests between the two nations. The US' support for modernizing India's defense industrial base, including joint production of F414 fighter jet engine in India and the supply of advanced ammed drones, aims to bolster India's military capabilities and enhance its deterrence against China.
  • This collaboration goes beyond arms sales, emphasizing Indian companies' participation in American defense supply chains, encompassing both products and services.

Role of Xi Jinping's Policies:

  • Ironically, the credit for bringing India and the US closer than ever before goes to the assertive policies of Xi Jinping. Despite China's persistent efforts to keep the two nations apart, recent Chinese opposition has reinforced the need for closer India-US ties.
  • China's objections to previous initiatives such as the civil nuclear initiative and India's membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group highlight Beijing's concerns about strategic cooperation between Delhi and Washington.

India's Shift Towards Strategic Partnerships:

  • India's twin crises with China in Doklam (2017) and Galwan (2020) have compelled a reevaluation of its approach.
  • The urgency to bolster deterrence against China has led India to seek stronger strategic partnerships with the US and its allies.
  • Likewise, the US has shifted its Asia policy away from a solely bilateral relationship with Beijing, revitalizing traditional alliances and forging new coalitions. This realignment of strategies has facilitated advanced technology transfer and defense cooperation with India, marking a significant variable in Asian geopolitics.

Recent Developments in India - USA relations:

Growth of Bilateral Trade:

  • Bilateral trade between India and the US has increased, fostered by closer ties in sectors such as ICT, engineering, and medicine. The US is India's top trading partner, with exports of $78 billion and imports of $50 billion in 2023.

Boost in Economic Relations:

  • The US is India's largest investment partner, with $10 billion in direct investment. The granting of Strategic Trade Authorization-1 (STA-1) status by the US has facilitated the export of high-technology products to India. Export controls on dual-use goods and technologies have also been eased.

Cooperation on Counter-Terrorism:

  • The US has been a key supporter of India's counter-terrorism efforts. Economic and strategic support to Pakistan has reduced, particularly after the elimination of Osama bin Laden, aligning the US more closely with India's initiatives in this regard.

Increased Diaspora:

  • The Indian diaspora in the US has witnessed significant growth, contributing to economic development in both countries through knowledge-based employment and remittances. The affluent Asian Indian diaspora holds substantial financial and political influence.

Strategic and Defense Relations:

  • India and the US have signed important defense agreements, including the General Security Of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA), the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA), and the Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA). These agreements facilitate intelligence sharing, logistics support, secure communication, and technology exchange.

Key Challenges:

Despite the positive developments, challenges persist in India-US relations. Trade disputes, including high tariffs and protectionist policies, have strained economic ties. Intellectual Property Rights concerns have been raised, with the US criticizing India's policies in this area. US support to Pakistan, albeit reduced, remains an issue for India. Differences in relations with Russia, particularly India's procurement of the S-400 missile defense system, have caused tensions. Moreover, the US sanctions on Iran have implications for India's strategic interests, particularly regarding oil imports.

Way Forward:

To further strengthen India-US ties, both nations should focus on resolving trade disputes, addressing Intellectual Property Rights concerns, and fostering greater cooperation in areas of mutual interest such as counter-terrorism and defense. Regular dialogues and forums like the US-India Trade Policy Forum can help address bilateral trade and investment issues. Embracing emerging technologies and promoting proactive regulations on data privacy and fair taxation will also be key to enhancing the partnership.


The agreements and collaboration between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden represent a paradigm shift in India-US relations. Their joint efforts towards constructing a stable Asian balance of power system have far-reaching implications for the region's geopolitics. This evolving partnership seeks to establish a multipolar Asia while maintaining productive relations with China. The cooperation between India and the US, beyond defense sales, emphasizes long-term collaboration and mutual benefits. Overall, the emerging India-US security partnership holds immense potential to shape the future Asian architecture, bringing stability and balance to the region.

Probable Questions for Mains Exam-

  1. Discuss the recent developments in India-US relations and their implications for Asian geopolitics, with a focus on the construction of a stable balance of power system in the region. (10 Marks,150 words)
  2. Analyze the role of recent policies and actions by China in shaping the India-US relationship. Discuss how China's objections and assertive behavior have contributed to the closer alignment between India and the US, and its implications for regional geopolitics. (15 Marks,250 Words)

Source : The Indian Express