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Daily-current-affairs / 24 Jun 2024

Governance with a Green Heart : Daily News Analysis



For over a dozen years, Indian governments have prioritized the welfare of mining, oil, coal, highways, and power industries over environmental concerns. The previous administration, focused on its 'development' agenda, was particularly detrimental to environmental interests. As the new government term begins, it must prioritize green policies to combat severe environmental degradation while striving to become a middle-income economy. 

Greater Vulnerability

       Climate Change

    • India’s leadership often mentions climate change but lacks substantial engagement, aside from promoting solar energy. Despite soaring energy consumption, there have been no significant steps to cut emissions. Remediatory aspects like building resilience, food security, and access to essentials have been neglected.
    • With floods, famines, heatwaves, wildfires, water shortages, and droughts becoming more common, it’s crucial to implement contingency plans to protect vulnerable populations. Key tasks include updating building guidelines, preserving natural storm barriers like mangrove forests, and establishing funds for evacuation and rehabilitation are the areas recently neglected by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
  • Forest Cover
    • India has one of the world’s lowest levels of green cover per capita. It has only 28 trees per headcount of the populace, in contrast with Canada’s 8953 or even China’s 130. Qualitatively important forest cover has decreased significantly in the last 20 years, and the less said about urban forestry the better.
    • The damage to our forests has been covered up with questionable accounting, which includes plantation forests and tree cover in urban centers. Recent legislation such as the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023, which was ramrodded through the outgoing Parliament, needs to be rolled back and robust new protections put in place.
  • Unliveable Cities
    • The metropolitan centers of India have overgrown any plans that were laid for them. Delhi, Mumbai, and a large swathe of tier 2 and tier 3 cities across the Gangetic belt now have unacceptable levels of air pollution, destroying the lifespans of their residents. Bengaluru and Delhi are running out of water, and the poor have to queue for hours to have access to the bare minimum.
    • The rivers that brought life to cities, such as the Adyar in Chennai or the Yamuna in Delhi, have become open sewers. Green spaces and water bodies in cities have been built over, which has created heat islands. Smaller cities have more manageable problems, but without timely intervention, will reach the same crisis levels as the metros. Sewage treatment specifically requires a major national overhaul as Indian cities treat only approximately 28% of the sewage they generate.
  • Destruction in the Himalayas
    • Climate change has had outsized repercussions in the mountains of India. Glaciers are rapidly receding, and in some places, have disappeared. Up to 80% of their volume is forecast to disappear in this century. Rainfall and temperature patterns have changed beyond recognition. This impacts the water and food security of not just the people of the mountains but also of much of North India.
    • When thousands of Ladakhis fasted and protested to demand governmental action, they were ignored — perhaps because they held no votes. Similar concerns arise for wetlands — whose importance has never been greater — and other marginal landscapes which are critical for biodiversity as well.
  • Public Participation
    • At the root of many of these problems is the Indian government’s age-old refusal to listen to stakeholders and affected persons. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) mechanisms have become mere checkboxes to be ticked for all projects.
    • Protests are swept aside, criticism is ignored, and the absence of a meaningful Opposition has resulted in rapid, ill-considered steps being taken. The Char Dham Highway project is an example. Passed through amidst a barrage of small EIAs, the grandiose scheme has caused irreparable harm to the river valleys of Uttarakhand.
    • The deforestation and erosion caused have created additional unforeseen risks, best exemplified by the tunnel collapse of November 2023. More importantly, the sanctity of the EIA Notification of 2006 has been watered down over the last five years with hundreds of amendments. EIA mechanisms need to be elevated to statutory status, so that they are beyond such sabotage.
  • Commercially Driven Policies
    • Ill-advised policies, which have been driven by commercial interest, such as green credits and compensatory afforestation, have taken the place of genuine conservation efforts. Sustainable development does not mean that only commercially profitable steps may be taken by the government. Enforcement mechanisms and bodies also need more teeth so as to ensure genuine environmental rule of law.

A Green Path Forward: Solutions for India's Environmental Challenges

  • Combating Climate Change
    • India can significantly reduce its impact on climate change by prioritizing renewable energy sources. Scaling up solar, wind, and hydro power generation would lessen dependence on fossil fuels.
    • Additionally, stricter emission standards for industries and vehicles are crucial. Public awareness campaigns can promote energy conservation efforts amongst the population. Furthermore, developing robust national disaster management plans will strengthen India's resilience against floods, droughts, and heatwaves.
  • Regenerating Forest Cover
    • Strengthening forest protection laws and their enforcement is vital to prevent deforestation. Prioritizing native tree species over monoculture plantations is essential for a healthy ecosystem.
    • Existing natural forests require increased protection, while urban forestry projects should be actively promoted. Encouraging sustainable forest management practices will ensure long-term conservation.
  • Cleaning Up Our Cities
    • Stringent air and water pollution control measures must be implemented for industries to curb emissions. Promoting public transportation and electric vehicles can significantly reduce traffic congestion and its associated pollution.
    • Investing in sewage treatment plants and upgrading waste management systems are crucial for cleaner cities. Creating more green spaces and urban parks will not only provide recreational areas but also help combat the heat island effect.
  • Protecting the Himalayas
    • Mitigating climate change is paramount to slowing down glacial retreat in the Himalayas. Stricter regulations for development projects in ecologically sensitive areas are essential. Investing in water conservation and rainwater harvesting techniques will ensure sustainable water management in the region.
  • Empowering Public Participation
    • Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes with increased transparency is critical. Encouraging public participation in environmental decision-making will ensure all voices are heard. Addressing concerns raised by stakeholders and local communities will foster a sense of ownership and encourage cooperation.
  • Effective Policy and Enforcement
    • Prioritizing genuine conservation efforts like implementing contingency plans to protect vulnerable populations, preserving mangrove forests, and establishing funds for evacuation and rehabilitation will ensure long-term environmental health.
    • Increased funding for environmental protection agencies will empower them to enforce regulations more effectively. Making comprehensive environmental impact assessments mandatory for all projects will ensure potential risks are identified and mitigated.


These are not luxury concerns. They impact the survival and the health of millions. The absence of these issues from the election manifestos of the major political parties was bitterly disappointing. But it is not too late. If the government is to truly be the steward of the people, it must start by taking a hard look at the physical health of the country. A conscious focus on green policies is crucial as environmental issues in India impact the survival and the health of millions.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam-

  1. What are the primary challenges hindering effective environmental governance in India? How can India reverse the trend of declining forest cover and biodiversity loss amidst industrial expansion and urban sprawl? (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. 2.    Analyze the consequences of deforestation and urbanization on the creation of heat islands in Indian cities. How can India achieve sustainable development while balancing economic growth with environmental conservation? (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source- The Hindu