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Daily-current-affairs / 08 Jun 2024

Global Plastics Treaty for a Fair Transition : Daily News Analysis



As discussions continue for an international legally binding treaty on plastic pollution, it becomes crucial to consider how it can support a fair transition for individuals who collect and recycle waste informally.

Importance of  informal waste and recovery sector (IWRS)

According to the OECD Global Plastic Outlook, global production of plastic waste was 353 million tonnes in 2019—more than double since 2000—and is set to triple by 2060. Only 9% of this was recycled, 50% sent to landfills, 19% incinerated, and 22% disposed of in uncontrolled sites or dumps. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, of the 9% recycled, 85% was done by informal recycling workers.

These workers collect, sort, and recover recyclable and reusable materials from general waste, alleviating municipal budgets of financial burdens around waste management and subsidizing the environmental mandate of the producers, consumers, and the government. The Centre for Environment Justice and Development observes that they promote circular waste management solutions and help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, valuably contributing to sustainability. Their efforts significantly reduce plastic content in landfills and dump sites, effectively preventing plastic leakage into the environment.

The Need for Recognition

Despite their critical role, informal waste workers are often overlooked and remain highly vulnerable in plastic value chains. They face risks such as increasing privatization of waste management, waste-to-energy or incineration projects, and exclusion through other public policy interventions in plastic waste management under the norms of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

The informal waste and recovery sector (IWRS) is more than a minor player in worldwide municipal solid waste management systems. According to the UN-Habitat’s Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT), the informal sector accounts for 80% of municipal solid waste recovery in many cities.

A recent study by UN-Habitat and the University of Leeds estimates that around 60 million tonnes of plastic from municipal solid waste pollute the environment, including water bodies, due to inadequate collection services and mismanagement of solid waste. Without the IWRS, the volume would be higher. However, as highlighted in the recent Leave No One Behind Report, strategies to reduce plastic pollution often neglect to effectively involve the recovery capacities, skills, and knowledge of the IWRS. This oversight worsens livelihood vulnerabilities and undermines existing informal recovery systems.

The Global Plastics Treaty and the Need for a Just Transition

The Global Plastics Treaty is a significant attempt to establish a legally binding agreement aimed at reducing and eliminating plastic pollution. The decision to establish an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) was made in early 2021 during the fifth UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya. The final INC-5 meeting in South Korea will continue to see active participation from the International Alliance of Waste Pickers (IAWP).

The IAWP, a vocal participant in the UNEA Plastic Treaty process, emphasizes the importance of supporting the formalization and integration of informal waste pickers into discussions on addressing plastics. It also advocates including waste pickers’ perspectives and solutions at every stage of policy and law implementation.

Measures for Recognition and Inclusion

These measures aim to acknowledge waste pickers’ historical contributions, protect their rights, and promote effective and sustainable plastic waste management practices. There is no universally agreed-upon terminology for a just transition or a formal definition of the informal waste sector and its workforce. Clarifying these definitions is crucial.

As an instrument to end plastic pollution, the Global Plastics Treaty must ensure social justice and equity principles for the informal recycling worker. This includes:

  • Recognition and Formalization: Acknowledge the significant contributions of informal waste pickers and integrate them formally into the waste management system.
  • Protection of Rights: Implement policies that safeguard the rights and livelihoods of waste pickers, ensuring they are not displaced by privatization or other policy changes.
  • Inclusion in Decision-Making: Ensure waste pickers' voices are heard in policy formulation and implementation stages to incorporate their practical knowledge and perspectives.

India's Role and Perspective

As a key representative from the Global South, India promotes an approach that enhances repair, reuse, refill, and recycling without necessarily eliminating the use of plastics altogether. India has stressed the importance of adopting country-specific circumstances and capacities. Hence, India’s informal waste pickers, who are indispensable, remain central to the discussion.

India’s voice is significant in shaping a fair and inclusive Global Plastics Treaty. The country can lead by example, advocating for policies that:

  • Integrate Informal Workers: Rethink the formulation of EPR norms and other regulations to include the informal waste sector.
  • Support Just Transition: Promote policies that provide support and resources for informal workers to transition into formal systems without losing their livelihoods.
  • Capacity Building: Invest in training and capacity-building programs for informal workers to enhance their skills and productivity.

The Final Round of Negotiations

As the final round of negotiations for the Global Plastics Treaty approaches at INC-5, a key question remains: how can a global instrument to end plastic pollution enable a just transition for nearly 15 million people who informally collect and recover up to 58% of global recycled waste, thereby shaping a sustainable future?

By incorporating their perspectives and ensuring their livelihoods are protected, the treaty can embody social justice and equity principles while leaving no one and no place behind. This requires:

  • Inclusive Policy Frameworks: Developing policies that recognize and include the contributions of informal waste workers.
  • Economic Support Mechanisms: Providing financial support and incentives to informal workers to integrate into the formal sector.
  • Environmental Justice: Ensuring that environmental policies do not disproportionately impact vulnerable communities and workers.


The Global Plastics Treaty represents a landmark opportunity to address plastic pollution comprehensively. However, to truly achieve its goals, it must integrate the informal waste and recovery sector into its framework. Recognizing the contributions of these workers, protecting their rights, and including their perspectives in decision-making processes are essential steps towards a just transition.

India's role as a representative of the Global South is pivotal in advocating for the inclusion of informal waste workers in the treaty. By leading with inclusive and equitable policies, India can set an example for other nations.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam-

  1. Discuss the role of the informal waste and recovery sector (IWRS) in global plastic waste management. How can the Global Plastics Treaty support a fair transition for these workers? (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. Evaluate India's potential contributions to shaping an inclusive and equitable Global Plastics Treaty. What steps can India take to integrate and support informal waste workers within its plastic waste management policies? (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source- The Hindu