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Daily-current-affairs / 26 Jun 2024

Formulating a National Security Strategy for India : Daily News Analysis



India faces critical challenges in national security with the US and China, necessitating an urgent National Security Strategy.

Strategic Risks

       Lacks Structured Strategy

o    India's current approach to national security lacks a structured strategy, leading to fragmented decision-making and inconsistent prioritization of resources. India faces significant challenges in national security, spanning decisions on military modernization, strategic alliances, and navigating geopolitical rivalries, particularly with the United States and China. These critical choices demand a coherent and holistic approach to ensure that resources are effectively utilized and national goals are strategically aligned.

       Lacking Unified Framework

o  Without an NSS, crucial decisions regarding military capabilities, strategic partnerships, and geopolitical positioning often lack a unified framework, resulting in ad-hoc responses that may not serve long-term national interests effectively. This piecemeal approach risks wasting resources and failing to address evolving threats proactively.

       Navigating a Fluid Neighborhood

o   Since the late 1960s, the evolving politico-economic-military ties between China and Pakistan have posed a consistent two-front threat to India, necessitating a robust National Security Strategy. The unstable security environment in South Asia, marked by developments like Afghanistan's Taliban regime, Pakistan's internal challenges, Sri Lanka's insurgency issues, and Myanmar's democratic movements, underscores the need for a comprehensive security strategy.

       Information Warfare

o  Emerging threats like information warfare require integrated strategies to safeguard telecom, banking, stock exchanges, power grids, and military networks. A National Security Strategy is essential to prevent and mitigate large-scale cyber threats effectively.

The Benefits of National Security Strategy

Many leading global powers have established comprehensive national security strategies to guide their defense policies and international engagements. India, however, has yet to formalize such a strategy, relying instead on fragmented decision-making processes that hinder strategic coherence and long-term planning.

An NSS would provide several critical benefits essential for India's security and geopolitical aspirations:

       Comprehensive Strategic Assessment

o   An NSS mandates a thorough assessment of India's security environment, identifying current and emerging threats, including China's naval expansion and global strategic trends. This assessment is crucial for anticipating future challenges and devising proactive strategies to mitigate risks before they escalate into crises.

       Coherent Framework for Long-Term Planning

o  Strategic competition in the 21st century requires meticulous planning to safeguard India's expanding interests and deter potential adversaries. A well-crafted NSS would provide a structured framework to prioritize defense investments, balancing the needs of different military branches and ensuring resources are allocated efficiently to projects of strategic significance.

       Clarity in Strategic Intent

o   One of the key benefits of an NSS is its role in clarifying India's strategic objectives to both allies and adversaries. It serves as a signaling mechanism, reaffirming India's commitment to regional security and global stability. By articulating clear strategic intent, an NSS enhances transparency in international relations and fosters confidence among India's partners.

       Enhancing Inter-Agency Coordination

o  Effective national security requires seamless coordination among various government agencies, including defense, foreign affairs, and intelligence. An NSS facilitates this coordination by providing a common strategic framework and goals, ensuring synergy in policy implementation and operational planning across different sectors of the government.

       Accountability and Transparency

o  An NSS introduces accountability mechanisms that hold the government accountable for its national security policies and decisions. By making strategic priorities and resource allocations transparent to Parliament and the public, an NSS enhances democratic oversight and ensures that national security initiatives align with broader public interests and expectations.

Challenges in Drafting a National Security Strategy

  • Balancing Transparency, Deterrence, and Flexibility: According to Rajesh Rajagopalan, professor of international relations at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India faces challenges in releasing a National Security Strategy due to concerns over revealing its strategic position to adversaries and limiting strategic flexibility with partners. Such transparency could potentially constrain India’s responses and alliances.
  • Revealing India’s Strategic Ambiguity: India has refrained from formally defining an NSS to avoid being locked into specific responses to security challenges. This ambiguity allows for more flexible and adaptive policy responses as situations evolve.
  • Impact on Bilateral Ties: The articulation of strategic goals in an NSS, such as reducing dependence on military imports from Russia, could strain long-standing relationships. This poses a dilemma for India in balancing strategic autonomy with maintaining crucial international partnerships.
  • Differing Government Views: Drafting a coherent security doctrine is further complicated by divergent perspectives among various government departments. Aligning these disparate views and priorities into a unified strategy requires extensive coordination and consensus-building.

Framing India's National Security Strategy (NSS)

       Conducting National Security Review

o   To overcome the challenges in framing a National Security Strategy (NSS), India can adopt a structured approach that encompasses several key steps. First, a comprehensive National Security Review should be conducted to assess current threats and vulnerabilities across traditional security issues, cyber threats, economic security, and social unrest. This review forms the foundation for understanding the landscape India faces in terms of national security.

       Stakeholder Consultation

o   Secondly, stakeholder consultation is crucial. This process should involve experts from diverse fields such as defense, intelligence, diplomacy, economics, and academia. Public consultations on non-sensitive aspects can also enhance transparency and public buy-in.

       Classification of the NSS Document

o   Thirdly, careful classification and redaction of the NSS document are essential. Sensitive information must be protected while ensuring that a redacted version can be released to the public, fostering broader understanding and support.

       Regular Review

o   Additionally, establishing a mechanism for regular review and updates is vital to keep the NSS relevant amid evolving threats. This ensures that India's security strategy remains adaptive and effective over time.

       Clear Vision

o   A well-crafted Indian NSS includes a clear vision and guiding principles for India's security, an in-depth threat assessment covering military and non-military threats, delineation of vital national interests, strategic objectives for various regions, defense capabilities, and the role of diplomacy, foreign policy, economic development, and cyber security. This ensures a cohesive framework, addressing challenges with strategic coherence.


The formulation and implementation of a National Security Strategy are imperative for India to navigate complex geopolitical challenges effectively and assert its position as a global power. By adopting a holistic approach to national security, anchored in a formal NSS, India can enhance strategic foresight, optimize resource allocation, strengthen international partnerships, and ensure transparent governance. This strategic framework is not merely a bureaucratic exercise but a critical tool to safeguard national interests and promote regional and global stability. As India faces an increasingly uncertain and multipolar world, the development of an NSS is not just advisable but essential for shaping a secure and prosperous future for the nation.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam-

  1. Why is a formal National Security Strategy essential for India, particularly in light of its regional and global security challenges? What are the potential implications of India's NSS on regional stability and security dynamics in South Asia and the broader Indo-Pacific region? (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. What is the primary obstacles India faces in formulating a cohesive National Security Strategy, considering its diverse security threats and complex geopolitical environment? How can India use its NSS to assert leadership in regional security cooperation efforts and contribute to global security governance? (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source- The Hindu