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Daily-current-affairs / 03 Feb 2021

Floating Wetland System can be boon to restore water bodies : Daily Current Affairs


Floating Wetland System can be boon to restore water bodies

In News

In Tiruvanathapuram, an initiative of Floating Treatment Wetland System (FTWS) was started by a group of students and a stand up firm NestAbide to restore the water bodies and protect the wetlands.


The FTWS is made up of artificial deck that enables aquatic emergent plants or aquatic macrophytes to grow in water. Wetlands can enhance water quality and treat wastewater and other industrial pollutants. The floating wetlands were made up of four different buoyant platforms that used bamboo, bottles and other materials as a base.

The floating wetlands will absorb impurities from the water. Revival of water bodies also includes clearing of floating and amassed debris or invasive weeds, removal of silt deposits and strengthening the biodiversity around it. This is an experimental project ongoing in small Puliyal pond and it would take around eight months to get the result.

However, water is treated through bioremediation. It is a remedial process where polluted water bodies are restored by in-situ application of selective biocultures (yeast, fungi or bacteria) or their group to degrade collected complex organics and other unhealthy and unsafe substances into less toxic or non-toxic end products.