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Daily-current-affairs / 11 May 2024

Reducing Maoist Insurgency in India



The recent operations in Chhattisgarh against Maoist insurgents have garnered attention for their success in neutralizing key figures and significantly reducing the insurgency's impact. These operations, led by various security forces, have resulted in a notable decline in Maoist activities, suggesting a turning point in the state's fight against insurgency.

Successes in Neutralizing Maoist Threats

The operations conducted by security forces have yielded substantial results, with a considerable number of Maoist insurgents neutralized. For instance, the joint operation in Kanker district led to the elimination of 29 alleged Maoists, including top leaders Lalita and Shankar. Similar successful encounters have occurred in other districts like Bijapur and Narayanpur, resulting in the demise of prominent Maoist figures.

These operations have significantly weakened the Maoist infrastructure, particularly in areas where they previously held sway. The elimination of key leaders and operatives has disrupted the organization's command structure and operational capabilities.

Comparison with Previous Years

A comparison of casualties between 2023 and 2024 showcases a remarkable increase in the number of Maoist fatalities. In 2023, the state recorded 23 Maoist casualties throughout the year, whereas in the first four months of 2024 alone, 91 Maoists have been neutralized. This significant rise in casualties reflects the intensified efforts and effectiveness of the security forces in combating the insurgency.

Factors Contributing to Success

Several factors have contributed to the recent successes in countering the Maoist insurgency in Chhattisgarh. These include strategic shifts in security operations, enhanced infrastructure development, and proactive measures to address underlying socio-economic issues.

     Strategic Shifts in Security Operations

The state government's commitment to bolstering its security apparatus has been instrumental in turning the tide against Maoist insurgents. By adopting strategies like the Andhra Greyhound model and establishing specialized units such as the CoBRA unit, the security forces have enhanced their operational effectiveness. Additionally, improved coordination between state and central agencies has facilitated more targeted and coordinated counterinsurgency operations.

     Infrastructure Development and Accessibility

Improved road connectivity has been a game-changer in the fight against Maoist insurgency. The construction of key road projects in remote and inaccessible areas has not only facilitated the movement of security forces but also enabled the establishment of security camps in erstwhile Maoist strongholds. This enhanced accessibility has empowered security forces to penetrate deeper into insurgent-controlled territories, making it challenging for Maoists to operate with impunity.

     Socio-Economic Development Initiatives

In tandem with security measures, the state government has prioritized socio-economic development initiatives aimed at addressing the root causes of insurgency. Investments in human development indicators, such as the public distribution scheme to ensure food security among tribal populations, have helped alleviate socio-economic grievances and undercut the appeal of Maoist ideology. Moreover, an attractive rehabilitation policy coupled with mounting pressure from security operations has led to a significant number of Maoist surrenders since 2020.

Remaining Challenges and Cautionary Outlook

Despite the recent successes, Chhattisgarh continues to face significant challenges in fully eradicating the Maoist insurgency. While the security forces have made substantial gains in neutralizing insurgents and expanding their presence in former Maoist strongholds, several factors necessitate a cautious approach moving forward.

     Persistence of Maoist Strongholds

The Maoists still maintain a strong presence in certain areas, particularly in the hilly and forested regions of Bastar and Abujhmad. These areas remain heavily mined, posing significant challenges to security forces' mobility and operational effectiveness. Moreover, recent incidents, such as the ambush in Dantewada in April 2023, highlight the insurgents' capacity to launch daring attacks despite improved security preparedness.

     Need for Long-Term Commitment

Achieving lasting success in countering the Maoist insurgency requires a sustained and multifaceted approach. While the recent operations have dealt a severe blow to the insurgents, the state and its security forces must remain vigilant and committed for the long haul. Merely eliminating Maoist fighters is insufficient to address the underlying socio-economic and political grievances that fuel the insurgency.

     Importance of Dialogue and Reconciliation

In addition to military operations, opening a line for peace dialogue with the rebels is crucial for achieving a lasting resolution to the conflict. Recognizing that protracted insurgency cannot be ended solely through military means, efforts to engage with Maoist factions and address their grievances through peaceful means are essential. A comprehensive approach that combines security measures with dialogue and reconciliation initiatives is imperative for sustainable peace and development in Chhattisgarh.


The recent successes in countering the Maoist insurgency in Chhattisgarh signify a significant milestone in the state's ongoing struggle for peace and stability. However, it is essential to recognize that the journey towards lasting peace is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. While the security forces have made commendable strides in neutralizing insurgents and expanding their presence in former Maoist strongholds, the persistence of underlying socio-economic grievances and the potential for renewed insurgent activity necessitate a cautious and multifaceted approach.

By continuing to invest in security infrastructure, socio-economic development, and dialogue initiatives, Chhattisgarh can consolidate its gains and pave the way for a more peaceful and prosperous future. The road ahead may be long and arduous, but with sustained commitment and cooperation, the state can overcome the Maoist insurgency and usher in an era of lasting peace and development.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam-

1. How have strategic shifts in security operations, such as the adoption of the Andhra Greyhound model and the establishment of specialized units like the CoBRA unit, contributed to the recent successes in countering the Maoist insurgency in Chhattisgarh? (10 Marks, 150 Words)

2. What are the key challenges that Chhattisgarh continues to face in fully eradicating the Maoist insurgency, despite recent successes in neutralizing insurgents and expanding security presence? How can a comprehensive approach that combines security measures with dialogue and reconciliation initiatives address these challenges? (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source- ORF