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Info-pedia / 09 May 2024

Info- Pedia : Fusobacterium Nucleatum



Researchers have observed a notably higher abundance of Fusobacterium nucleatum bacteria in oral tumors compared to the oral cavity of healthy individuals.

Fusobacterium Nucleatum (F. nucleatum)

  • It is a Gram-negative, anaerobic bacterium that is commonly found in the human oral cavity.
  • In the oral cavity, F. nucleatum is considered a ‘bridging’ organism that can flourish and, along with other microbes, trigger inflammation leading to gum, or periodontal, disease.
  • F. nucleatum is rarely seen in the guts of healthy people. However, in cases of colorectal cancer, the bacteria are found in tumours in the gut, where they help cancer cells escape from the immune system and spread to other parts of the body.