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Info-pedia / 22 Jul 2024

Info Pedia : Chagos Islands (Chagos Archipelago)



Recently, India’s External Affairs Minister reaffirmed its support to Mauritius on the issue of the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean against the United Kingdom.


  • 16th Century: Discovered by Portuguese navigators.
  • France: Took possession, established plantations with enslaved workers.
  • British: Gained control after Napoleon’s defeat.

Current Situation:

  • Diego Garcia (since 1971): Only inhabited island; hosts a major US military base.
  • Sovereignty Dispute: Mauritius (independent since 1968) claims the islands, but the UK retains control for strategic military purposes.

Key Points:

  • Mauritius: Seeks return of the islands.
  • UK: Cites defense needs for Diego Garcia's strategic military base.